• Hi fanoush and Gordon,

    Thank you for your help in trying to connect the puck with the Feather. The board that I am using is: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-32u4-bluefruit-le/using-with-arduino-ide

    I can get the puck and feather to "connect" to each other - when I push the button on the puck the Bluetooth LED on the Feather lights up - which means it is making a connection.

    Figuring out how to exchange/communicate UART data between them after they are connected seems to be tricky.

    When I include the code above I get the following error:

    Device  BluetoothRemoteGATTServer: {
      "device": BluetoothDevice: {
        "id": "ff:8d:05:ae:17:64 random",
        "gatt":  ...
      "connected": true, "handle": 1 }
    Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Can't read property 'connect' of undefined
     at line 1 col 97 in .bootcde
    var d;return h.gatt.connect().then(function(a){d=a;return a....
    in function "write" called from line 16 col 6 in .bootcde
    in function called from system

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