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  • When I was using Gadget Bridge with a Bip, Gadget Bridge would buzz the watch vibrator, and show a graphic of an alarm clock on the watch. Maybe Bip had an API/call for showing an alarm graphic and buzzing.

    I haven't had the Bangle long enough to know what happens with this , but is that not what you mean? Sorry for coming in cold to this.

  • You're a little bit off on my overall intended use case. I think what you're describing is vibrating the watch when the alarm goes off. Bangle can and does do this easily. This is a majority of people's use cases, and multiple tasker integration apps feature this.

    What I want to do is have the alarms on my phone set on my watch. This way, my watch will have the same active alarms as my phone, so that I can see what the next upcoming alarm is without looking at my phone.

    The priority on this is understandably low, as it wouldn't change my life much at all, but it would be nice.


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