The first was leaving off the interval:xx, and the second was that my delta time was based on the time between any bluetooth updates, not just the puck updates. That was dumb on my part.
And those numbers actually match what I see in terminal. I think at this point I'll pursue a direct connection instead of advertising (but if you have any other suggestions for that I'll happily give them a shot). Thx again for all the quick responses.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Ahh - ok so I had two bugs.
The first was leaving off the
, and the second was that my delta time was based on the time between any bluetooth updates, not just the puck updates. That was dumb on my part.So now my puck js code:
and fixing my dumb python bug, gives me this output:
And those numbers actually match what I see in terminal. I think at this point I'll pursue a direct connection instead of advertising (but if you have any other suggestions for that I'll happily give them a shot). Thx again for all the quick responses.