I've been a long time pebble user, and the battery is finally starting to go. I've been looking for a good replacement as the open source phone software for rebble is getting more convoluted to install and get working with everything as Android versions get released.
The Pebble Time I have has 4 physical buttons and no touch screen, and while I love and adore it, it will be time to replace it soon. One feature with the base UX is that you can assign actions/applications to long press for each button. I have a couple of applications that I use every day that I like to assign to these buttons, along with the ability to quickly mute the vibrations if I need to.
For me, having a fully waterproof watch isn't a big deal, I don't tend to take them into the shower or go swimming with it, and if I fall in a lake, my watch will be the least of my worries! It's a nice to have for me, as long as the watch can survive being caught in the rain I'm happy. I would much rather have 3-4 physical buttons along side the touch screen. If that is coming for Bangle.js 3, it would definitely be a purchase from me.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I've been a long time pebble user, and the battery is finally starting to go. I've been looking for a good replacement as the open source phone software for rebble is getting more convoluted to install and get working with everything as Android versions get released.
The Pebble Time I have has 4 physical buttons and no touch screen, and while I love and adore it, it will be time to replace it soon. One feature with the base UX is that you can assign actions/applications to long press for each button. I have a couple of applications that I use every day that I like to assign to these buttons, along with the ability to quickly mute the vibrations if I need to.
For me, having a fully waterproof watch isn't a big deal, I don't tend to take them into the shower or go swimming with it, and if I fall in a lake, my watch will be the least of my worries! It's a nice to have for me, as long as the watch can survive being caught in the rain I'm happy. I would much rather have 3-4 physical buttons along side the touch screen. If that is coming for Bangle.js 3, it would definitely be a purchase from me.