• i'm not sure if this would help but i think I've gotten it to work with a workaround when using the following as image


    I'm not sure but what i think is that only 1 bbp images can change for and background color. so i had chosen 1 bpp black and white in the convertor i also selected transparancy to color so i basically gotten a mask and compress.

    what i think transparency to color does is assign a color to the transparent parts but in case of black and white you get black for transparent and white for non transparent parts (basically like a transparency mask). Since i used 1 bits per pixel image the foreground and background colors are used to draw the image so the setColor function seems to work although you had chosen red for on and blue or green depending on theme when not on (full white is #FFF full black is #000)

    and transparency seems to set a transparent color but i use image object with that option as it adds a "transparency" element where you can choose the color index of the palette for which color (index) will be the transparent color, but when i tested sometimes it selected wrong index and i had to find the right color index myself for the transparant part. For example at one point i was using 8 bit images with a WEB palette but i had used Magenta as transparant color, it selected 0 as transparent index but it was actually 248 or so for magenta. But i guess this is normal, the tools can't know which color you used as color key in this case. Eventually i kept changing the transparency color index value (programmatically) until i had found the right index for magenta (as i knew it would probably be in web palette).

    i struggle sometimes with the transparency stuff as well with the convertor
