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  • Can someone please explain me what the advantage of this transflective display is? I have no problem to read the Bangle.js 2 outdoors. (to be fair, we do not have much sun here in northern europe).

    The one thing I like is the 4GB storage to play music from.

  • The Bangle.js 2 already has a transflective display :)

  • Reflective LCDs work by reflecting ambient light. They are readable without a backlight, but cannot be backlit well if at all. They work well if there's enough light, but not very well in the dark. At best, you might have a frontlight that lights the screen unevenly.

    Transmissive LCDs instead pass light through. They have a backlight to cover dark environments, but they are only properly visible with the backlight. In brighter environments, you need to turn up the brightness to compete with the ambient light. In sunlight, you end up needing to use a lot of power, if your backlight can even get that bright at all.

    Transflective LCDs are capable of doing both reasonably well. In a dark environment, they can be lit evenly with a backlight. In a bright environment, the ambient light helps rather than competes, so the backlight can be turned off and the display remains visible. This saves a lot of power. As halemmerich has pointed out, we already have one on the Bangle 2. This is a huge reason why we can have multi-week battery life with an always-on display.


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