So, flashed the current fw today, that fixed the problem that no calls where showing any more.
So when the next call came I was looking at the title and saw caller name. Quite small for my old eyes (primarily due to the fact that most of my contacts have long names and it gets size reduced to fit. A short named Caller (first name only) was visible fine.
I assume I can roll my own Android app, but not too keep on that;)
Is there a particular reason why thats in the title and not the more prominent body (where i was expecting it all the time)?
Also is there an option somewhere to turn on the light upon receiving a message? I run without it most of the time to save power so that makes reading the incoming notification harder to read. I suppose i could press the button to turn it on but thats inconvenient when I'm busy and just want to have a quick look at what it is...
I assume I can roll my own Android app but not too keen on that;)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So, flashed the current fw today, that fixed the problem that no calls where showing any more.
So when the next call came I was looking at the title and saw caller name. Quite small for my old eyes (primarily due to the fact that most of my contacts have long names and it gets size reduced to fit. A short named Caller (first name only) was visible fine.
I assume I can roll my own Android app, but not too keep on that;)
Is there a particular reason why thats in the title and not the more prominent body (where i was expecting it all the time)?
Also is there an option somewhere to turn on the light upon receiving a message? I run without it most of the time to save power so that makes reading the incoming notification harder to read. I suppose i could press the button to turn it on but thats inconvenient when I'm busy and just want to have a quick look at what it is...
I assume I can roll my own Android app but not too keen on that;)