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  • On the watch itself a confidence=0 indicates hrmmar is active. Also in the console you can subscribe to the HRM event:

    Bangle.on('HRM', print)

    If you see a value in bpm_orig and confidence_orig hrmmar has replaced the firmware value with a value it thinks is not motion affected. For a confidence value of >= 90 the firmware value is displayed.

    Please note that the fft elimination needs 8 seconds of sensor data to compute its value on so it might not be suited for the health app. Maybe it is a good idea to disable hrmmar when health is requesting the hrm data, I did only run short tests with health but have not seen an issue here.

    Update: Because of alphabetically order health.boot.js should load before hrmmar.boot.js so health should ignore any modification of hrmmar.


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