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  • I am so glad you got back to this! I looked into your bangle app as an example to work from and get started. I am trying to take my puck which I use as a simple on/off/volume up/volume down button in Home Assistant based on button presses. I use the SwButton module to do the button click heavy lifting.

    1 short press is toggle on and off via generic boolean (0x0F)
    1 long press is vol up count (0x09) goes from 0 to 1 vol goes up
    2 short presses is vol down count (0x09)goes from 0 to 2 vol goes down
    These numbers come in as count in bthome and get used in an automation.

    I have it working w EspruinoHub and MQTT fine - but want to "upgrade" BTHome so I can use the PiZero with the EspruinoHub on it for something else, and I have a lot to BluetoothProxies around the house anyway.

    I wrote the following which seems to work fine except one issue -- the advertised count reverting to 0 after the button is pressed doesn't seem fast enough. Is that in my idletimeout?

    Anyway - any comments or ways to make this cleaner/faster appreciated

    var SWBtn = require("SWButton");
    var buttonState = 0;
    var btnData = {};
    var idleTimeout;
    if (!Puck.bleAdvert) Puck.bleAdvert = {};
    // these get created with a puck button press
    var mySWBtn = new SWBtn(function(k){
      if (k === "S"  ) { // single button press
        buttonState = !buttonState;
        btnData.state = buttonState; = + 0; 
      else if (k === "L" ) { // long button press = 1; 
      else if (k === "SS") { // double short press = 2; 
    function initBTHome() {
      tempF = [(E.getTemperature()*9/5)+32];
      Puck.bleAdvert[0xFCD2] = [ 0x40, /* BTHome Device Information
                  bit 0: "Encryption flag"
                  bit 1-4: "Reserved for future use"
                  bit 5-7: "BTHome Version" */
                  0x01, // Battery, 8 bit
                  0x02, // Temperature, 16 bit
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 1*60*1000); // 1 min
    function updateBTHome(btnData) {  
      Puck.bleAdvert[0xFCD2] = [ 0x40, /* BTHome Device Information
                  bit 0: "Encryption flag"
                  bit 1-4: "Reserved for future use"
                  bit 5-7: "BTHome Version" */
                  0x09, // count button press, 1 bit
                  0x0F, // binary button state, uint8 (1 byte)
      if (idleTimeout) clearTimeout(idleTimeout);
      idleTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
        idleTimeout = undefined;
        Puck.bleAdvert[0xFCD2][2] = 0;

    Thanks for getting to this despite it being "another standard"


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