I would not use ESP8266 for a web server, because it is slow.
But if you want to I'd suggest to read my post 'HowTo: Webserver with HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Images on ESP8266 (4 MB)'. I've created a custom firmware that supports E.openFile and E.pipe.
E.openFile is not available because the modules Filesystem (and FlashFS) are not in the standard firmware for ESP8266.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I would not use ESP8266 for a web server, because it is slow.
But if you want to I'd suggest to read my post 'HowTo: Webserver with HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Images on ESP8266 (4 MB)'. I've created a custom firmware that supports E.openFile and E.pipe.
E.openFile is not available because the modules Filesystem (and FlashFS) are not in the standard firmware for ESP8266.