other than battery percentage, I've found that gadget bridge doesn't hold an accurate step count, and the HRM data is often inaccurate and there doesn't seem to be a pattern with the recording interval.
the watch holds all this data just fine, but it isn't being reported well to gadget bridge that I can see.
is there something I'm missing?
is this expected behaviour?
is this a known bug?
is it something completely different?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
other than battery percentage, I've found that gadget bridge doesn't hold an accurate step count, and the HRM data is often inaccurate and there doesn't seem to be a pattern with the recording interval.
the watch holds all this data just fine, but it isn't being reported well to gadget bridge that I can see.
is there something I'm missing?
is this expected behaviour?
is this a known bug?
is it something completely different?