This conversation is related to the previous conversation.
it is better to not create new conversation for same issue as someone may later answer to the other one => mess and duplicated/wasted effort
I use the esp32-wroom module
see previous post #3 - just a guess - wroom module does not have extra PSRAM at all (?) , maybe you are building for wrong ESP32 board variant? PSRAM is optional
!!! I wanted to clearly state the decoded error in the new conversation.
I did exactly what was said for the ESP32
I went through all the steps
make clean && BOARD=ESP32 make
I entered it and it was created, then I flashed the boot files.
But unfortunately, these errors occurred.
This conversation is related to the previous conversation.
When I make my own new firmware for esp32, after I flash it and enter the espruino editor, unfortunately, when I try to save the javascript code on it, this error is displayed. After a thorough search, I was able to decipher this error. The loop is src/jsvar.c and this error is not complete and accurate.
this file (jsvar.c) :