• Ok I will try it today ,

    some more "basic" questions

    1. I'm trying to change the description of the UUID, but I get unknown all the time
    2. I want to send the temperature - but when I read I get "1D" - what do I need to change so it will know it's temperature value and now byte data?

      "3e440001-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9": {
      "3e440002-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9": {
        description: "My_LED_UUID",  // optional, default is null,
        writable : true,
        readable : true,
        notify: true,
        maxLen : 10,
        value : "Setup_Data",
        onWrite : function(evt) {
          data = evt.data[0];
          if (data < 18) {
      digitalWrite(LED, 1);
      digitalWrite(Relay_Pin, 1);
         else {
         digitalWrite(LED, 0);
         digitalWrite(Relay_Pin, 0);}
      	"3e440008-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9": {
       description: "Device_Temp",  // optional, default is null,
        readable : true,
        notify: true,
       value : [E.getTemperature()]
      }, {});
      setInterval(function() {
      "3e440001-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9" : {
      "3e440002-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9" : {
        value :  [data],//to be able to see that read is correct
        notify: true
      "3e440008-f5bb-357d-719d-179272e4d4d9" : {
        value :  [E.getTemperature()],//to be able to see that read is correct
        notify: true
      }); }, 5000);

    what am I missing?

    Thanks ,
