SPI flash trouble

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  • Hey all, I've put Espruino on a smartwatch (SN80-Y from Yfit) and have figured out most of the pins and components (lcd, accel, touch) but am having trouble getting the XTX XT25F32B (4MB flash) chip to be reliable. Verified the following pins using multimeter: CS=D19, SO=D18, SI=D17, CLK=D20. Doing a wakeup, followed by getting vendor ID and capacity seems fine:

    >  spif = new SPI();
    =SPI: {  }
    >  spif.setup({sck: CLK, miso: SO, mosi: SI, mode:0, baud: 8000000});
    >  spif.send([0xab], CS);
    =new Uint8Array([255])
    >  print(spif.send([0x90,0,0,1,0,0], CS));
    new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255, 255, 21, 11])
    >  print(spif.send([0x9f,0,0,0], CS));
    new Uint8Array([254, 11, 64, 22])

    That seems fine:22 at the end should mean 2^22 bits, or 4MB. So i've included it in my board file. In the devices section I have:

      'SPIFLASH' : {
                'pin_sck' : 'D20',
                'pin_mosi' : 'D17',
                'pin_miso' : 'D18',
                'pin_cs' : 'D19',
                'size' : 4096*1024, # 4MB
                'memmap_base' : 0x60000000 # map into the address space (in software)

    And when flashed I see:


    I then use this test script just to read the first few blocks of 256 bytes:

    CS=D19, SO=D18; SI=D17; CLK=D20;
      spif = new SPI();
      spif.setup({sck: CLK, miso: SO, mosi: SI, mode:0, baud: 8000000});
      spif.send([0xab], CS);
      print(spif.send([0x90,0,0,1,0,0], CS));
      print(spif.send([0x9f,0,0,0], CS));
      let hex = (d) => { return ('0'+d.toString(16)).slice(-2);};
      let buf = new Uint8Array(256);
      // 3 byte address: 0x7f 0xff 0xff (0x7f = 8MB, 0x3f = 4MB, 0x1f = 2MB)
      for(let b1=0; b1 < 1; b1++) {
        for(let b2=0; b2 < 5; b2++) {
          let bufstr = '';
          for(let b3 = 0; b3 < 256; b3++) {
            res = spif.send([0x03, b1, b2, b3, 0], CS);
            buf[b3] = res[4];
            bufstr += ("0"+buf[b3].toString(16)).slice(-2)+" ";
          print(`${hex(b1)} ${hex(b2)} ${hex(b3)}: ${bufstr}`); //${btoa(buf)}`);
    }, 1000);

    The timeout was added because I was running into issues without it. This seems to work if I save it to RAM, as I get data (remnants from previous attempts to write):

    new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255, 255, 21, 11])
    new Uint8Array([254, 11, 64, 22])
    00 00 00: 04 04 00 00 54 45 53 54 ...
    00 01 00: 64 65 65 70 20 73 6c 65 ...
    00 02 00: 4c 4b 7d 20 20 41 42 3d ...
    00 03 00: 70 69 66 2e 73 65 6e 64 ...

    In the first line you can see the ASCII for "TEST" which was the name of the file I attempted to write in the IDE.
    So the problem is when I try to save the test code to Storage (or Flash):

    |  __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
    |  __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
    |____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
             |_| espruino.com
     2v12.925 (c) 2021 G.Williams
    Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
    only by sales of official boards and donations:
    FW addr 0x00000000 fail
    Status 0
    Uncaught Error: File already written with different data
     at line 1 col 1106
    ...{\n    for(let b2=0",0,1349);
    Uncaught Error: Too much data for file size
     at line 2 col 380
    ...    }\n  }\n}, 1000);",1024);
     ____                 _
    |  __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
    |  __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
    |____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
             |_| espruino.com
     2v12.925 (c) 2021 G.Williams
    Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
    only by sales of official boards and donations:
    new Uint8Array([112, 105, 102, 46, 115, 101])
    new Uint8Array([32, 104, 101, 120])
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of Input
     at line 42 col 18 in TEST
        for(let b3 =

    The other notable thing is that the CLK and SI lines are shared with the LCD (also SPI) and the accelerometer (I2C). However, I have not initialized either of those. In other tests, LCD works fine as does the accel, but I'm trying to leave out any issues with line sharing.

    Any pointers greatly appreciated!

  • If you check BANGLEJS2.py there is a line for DEFINES += -DSPIFLASH_SLEEP_CMD - and that might help you out here?

  • Thanks, Gordon. I rebuilt with that, and erased the flash (.eraseAll()) and it seems to work better, but it still seems to choke on larger files (5k or so). A file that works when sent to RAM will throw an error like:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "retur" is not defined
     at line 1 col 1036
    in function "connect" called from line 1 col 410
    in function "GC9A01" called from line 1 col 29
    GC9A01(D25, D3, D2, D18, D26);

    as if the keyword "return" were incomplete; but as I said, it IS complete, and works when sent to RAM.
    After this point, trying to list files shows an empty list; but if I "reset()", the file list is restored.

    It's like it goes to sleep and can't wake up at some point! Insomniac flash.

  • It's like it goes to sleep and can't wake up at some point! Insomniac flash.

    Odd - maybe it's some other sleep command that's required to wake it. I guess it could be a different flash chip :(

  • he CLK and SI lines are shared with the LCD (also SPI) and the accelerometer (I2C). However, I have not initialized either of those.

    Maybe you could initialize it. For display at least making CS pin high may help to make sure it is not picking up the data. However the i2c device may be more probable to break stuff if SDA is shared with MISO or MOSI and clock is shared between spi and i2c too. I guess i2c device could pick up some data as i2c transfer and try to respond over SDA(?) messing up data bits randomly. just a guess.

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SPI flash trouble

Posted by Avatar for yngv126399 @yngv126399
