• Using @fanoush 's code imbedded in your app, the convenience singleton object for handling all RSSI stuff could look like the code below. Working thru the example you will notice that Espruino / JavaScript is completely event driven... and you can take advantage of that even in application components you write. No need to burn cycles like famous (NOP) wait loops do... ;)

    NB: Things - such as NRF.setRSSIHandler() setting method - not available in your environment - emulator or html doc in browser? ...just fake/emulate it 'intelligently' - see lines 59..71 to get meaningful values for (cross) developing and test your logic... Same goes for the missing on() and emit() for plain browser js objects - see lines 72..77. With these 'complements', the very same Espruino code runs in html5 document in browser. The html document is attached to the post, just click on its link... ;) --- *click on the second attached html / link* - first one has issues and I could not delete it because forum has issues on edit with loading... / deleting of attachments). HTML code is shown below the Espruino code.

    // for logging convenience
    var lon=0, log=function(){console.log.apply(console­,arguments);};
    // rssis singleton object handling all RSSI matters encapsulated
    var rssis =
      { history:   [] // [date,value] tuples of samples
      , maxHist:   10 // max count averaged samples in history
      , intTime: 5000 // ms interval time of sampling
      , samples:    5 // count of raw samples for for averaged sample
      , _intId:     0 // interval id for start/stop control
      , _cnt:       0 // for sampling control
      , _sample: function() { // --- takes samples and stores in history
          var sum = 0
            , cnt = this.samples
            , avrg, hEntry;
              if (--cnt<1) {
                hEntry = [new Date(), avrg = sum/this.samples];
                this.history.splice(0, 0, hEntry);
                if (this.history.length>this.maxHist) this.history.pop();
                this.emit('data', avrg, hEntry, data, this);
          } );
      , start: function(clearHistory,_rs) {  // --- opt clear history and take samples
          lon&&log("rssis.start",((_rs)?_rs:""), "clearHistory:", !!clearHistory);
          if (this._intId) { this.stop(); }
          if (clearHistory) { this.history = []; }
          this._intId = setInterval(this._sample.bind(this), this.intTime);
          return this.history.length;
      , isSampling: function() {  // --- true when sampling, otherwise false
          return !!this._intId;
      , getHistoryCnt: function() {   // --- number of history entries
          return this.history.length;
      , stop: function() {        // --- stop taking samples
          if (this._intId) { 
            NRF.setRSSIHandler(); // stops data handler in its tracks
            this._intId = clearInterval(this._intId); // stops sampling
          return this.history.length;
      , resume: function() {      // --- resume w/ not clearing history
          return this.start(0,"(resume)");
      , dump: function(asHTML) { // --- return history as lines / html w/ <br>
          var x=-1,l=this.history.length,h,lines=[];
          while(++x<l){h=this.history[x];lines.pus­h(h[0].toString()+": "+h[1]);}
          lines.push(l); return (asHTML) ? lines.join("<br>")+"<br>" : lines;
    // to run in emulator or html5 doc in browser have this in place (roughly):
    var nrfDataEmulatorIntId=0; if (typeof NRF === 'undefined') { var NRF = {}; }
    NRF.setRSSIHandler = function(dataHandler) { // every 7 ms an emulated value
      if        (dataHandler && ! nrfDataEmulatorIntId) { lon&&log("P:start");
        nrfDataEmulatorIntId = setInterval((dataHandler)=>{
            var emulatedVal = Math.round((new Date().getTime() % 100) / 10) - 90;
            lon&&log("P:", emulatedVal);
      } else if (! dataHandler && nrfDataEmulatorIntId) { lon&&log("P:stop");
        nrfDataEmulatorIntId = clearInterval(nrfDataEmulatorIntId);
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined'){ lon&&log("in browser js/win"); // for html5 doc
      let addOnAndEmitTo=function(o,n){ lon&&log("add simple on/emit to "+n);o._eOE={}; 
        o.on=function(e,h){this._eOE[e]=h;};o.em­it=function(){var p=[],i,a=arguments,m,
        u; if(m=this._eOE[a[0]]){for(i=1;i<a.length­;i++)p.push(a[i]); m.apply(u,p);}}};
      if ( ! rssis.on) { addOnAndEmitTo(rssis,"rssis"); }
    // catching rssis 'data'-event
    rssis.on("data",(avrg, historyItem, rawSample, rssisObj)=>{
      lon&&log("rssis 'data' event: ", avrg, historyItem, rawSample, rssisObj.getHistoryCnt());
    // for dev acceleration 
    function onInit() {
    // for dev acceleration
    setTimeout(onInit,999); // remove before upload for/with save()

    HTML document running the same Espruino code:

    <p>Open inspector in develop tools and watch console...</p>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="rssis.start();" >start</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="rssis.start(1);">start with clearing history</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="rssis.stop();"  >stop</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="rssis.resume();">resume</a></li­>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="ao.h('dmp',rssis.dump(1)+ao.e('­dmp').innerHTML);";>dump</li>
    <hr><a href="#" onclick="ao.h('dmp','');">clear</a><pre id="dmp"></pre>
    <!--survival html5 --><script> var ao = { d: document
    , e: function(ioe) { return ("string"===typeof ioe) ? this.d.getElementById(ioe) : ioe; }
    , h: function(ioe,h) { var e = this.e(ioe); return e.innerHTML = h; return e; } }</script>
    <!-- rssis js from Espruino --> <script>
    // ... ... ... ... Espruino js code from above copied in here... ... ... ... 

    The rssis singleton supports these 'methods' and other:

    • For start taking samples and store them in history, issue rssis.start();
    • To stop taking samples, issue: rssis.start();
    • To dump the history in the console (anytime), issue rssi.dump();
    • To access last data (any time, from the history):

      var h;
      if (rssis.historyCount>0) {
      h = rssis.history[0];
      console.log("RSSSI at", h[0], ": ", h[1])

    ...or simply:


    The objet even emits 'data' event when adding to the history with these parms (see line #s 24 and 60ff`):

    1. most recent averaged sample: avrg
    2. history entry: [date, avrg]
    3. most recent raw sample: data
    4. rssis singleton object

    This event can be listen to in the application in a similar way as rssis is listening to the NRF 'data' event:

    // catching rssis 'data'-event
    rssis.on("data",(avrg, historyItem, rawSample, rssisObj)=>{
      console.log("rssis 'data' event: ', avrg, historyItem, rawSample, rssisObj.getHistoryCnt());

    With `lon=0' (logging turned off) you get only outputs like this in the console (most recent average rssi value, most recent history event with date and rssi average, most recent raw rssi sample value, and history count):

    rssis 'data' event:  -85 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 18:34:31 GMT-0700,
      -85 ] -86 1

    Setting lon=1 (turns logging on and) you get after uploading and console commands (latter indented) output on console like this:

     ____                 _
    |  __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
    |  __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
    |____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
             |_| espruino.com
     2v15 (c) 2021 G.Williams
    rssis.start  clearHistory: false
    P: -80
    C: -80 0
    P: -89
    C: -89 0
    P: -88
    C: -88 0
    P: -87
    C: -87 0
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -85.8 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:09 GMT-0700,
      -85.8 ] -85 1
    ----------------------->rssis.dump() // while sampling
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:09 GMT-0700: -85.8",
      1 ]
    P: -80
    C: -80 0
    P: -89
    C: -89 0
    P: -88
    C: -88 0
    P: -86
    C: -86 0
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -85.6 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:14 GMT-0700,
      -85.6 ] -85 2
    P: -81
    C: -81 0
    P: -89
    C: -89 0
    P: -88
    C: -88 0
    P: -87
    C: -87 0
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -86 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:19 GMT-0700,
      -86 ] -85 3
    ----------------------->rssis.stop(); // while sampling
    ----------------------->rssis.dump(); // while not sampling
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:19 GMT-0700: -86",
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:14 GMT-0700: -85.6",
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:30:09 GMT-0700: -85.8",
      3 ]
    ----------------------->rssis.resume(); // while stopped
    rssis.start (resume) clearHistory: false
    P: -89
    C: -89 0
    P: -88
    C: -88 0
    P: -86
    C: -86 0
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    P: -84
    C: -84 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -86.4 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:31:17 GMT-0700,
      -86.4 ] -84 4
    ----------------------->rssis.start(1); // while sampling
    rssis.start  clearHistory: true
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    P: -84
    C: -84 0
    P: -83
    C: -83 0
    P: -82
    C: -82 0
    P: -80
    C: -80 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -82.8 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:31:27 GMT-0700,
      -82.8 ] -80 1
    P: -86
    C: -86 0
    P: -85
    C: -85 0
    P: -84
    C: -84 0
    P: -82
    C: -82 0
    P: -80
    C: -80 0
    rssis 'data' event:  -83.4 [
      Date: Tue Oct 4 2022 22:31:32 GMT-0700,
      -83.4 ] -80 2
    ----------------------->rssis.stop(); // while sampling
    ----------------------->rssis.dump(); while stopped
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:31:32 GMT-0700: -83.4",
      "Tue Oct 4 2022 22:31:27 GMT-0700: -82.8",
      2 ]

    3 Attachments


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