It draws a steady 312uA. When I change the commented line so that B9 is input it draws 89mA, so it seems like the wifi chip is enabled then. Probably there is some charge left that isn't drained, leaving it on (my guess here). This is with the e-ink display disconnected.
I tried a few different things but couldn't get it below 300uA. Unfortunately I managed to short my cheap multimeter, so now it's not saying anything at all...
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I tried with this program:
It draws a steady 312uA. When I change the commented line so that B9 is input it draws 89mA, so it seems like the wifi chip is enabled then. Probably there is some charge left that isn't drained, leaving it on (my guess here). This is with the e-ink display disconnected.
I tried a few different things but couldn't get it below 300uA. Unfortunately I managed to short my cheap multimeter, so now it's not saying anything at all...