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Many things to consider I see ;)
I tested it again, new report :)
- It shows up now without having to install original messages app first.
- The shortcut to the settings page seems to be linked to original messages. If I install only smessages a blank screen appears upon pressing it. If I install messages first and then smessages, settings page for original messages is loaded instead.
- As I saw you mention in PR#1498 now Messages Music doesn't seem to work. However, I think it did before you did the latest fixes today (again, I had first installed messages and then smessages)? Which seems weird since you mentioned breaking it a month ago?
- The left and right music screen buttons have question marks on them on my Bangle.js 2. (I have seen a similar question mark in my widgets before and I think that was either the messages or smessages widget)
- It shows up now without having to install original messages app first.
Whoops, I broke that in the metadata, should be ok(ish) now.
Having two message apps is a bit of a problem:
declare"dependencies": {"messages":"app"}
while keepingsmessages
erases all your messages. (or at least it will once it also uses a StorageFile)"type":"messages"
, because then it won't show up in the launcherandroid
I think ideally we would want to keep the dependencies, or people will go "I installed the android app, and it doesn't do anything", but maybe we should settle for putting a big "You also need to install a messages app" in the android/ios README?
Alternatively, I guess we could complicate the dependency system, so e.g.
could declare"dependencies": {"messages|smessages":"app"}