I got my bangle.js 2 a couple of days ago, and I tried calibrating the battery at full charge through the settings, but after doing so ("calibrate battery", "yes") it prints a couple of messages and then hangs at "Reloading..." forever. If I hold the button for a few seconds and release when I see "Loading...", I get back to the clock, but I feel like that's probably not what's intended to happen there.
I have a few non-default apps installed (the Android integration, Battery Level Widget (Themed), SleepPhaseAlarm, a slightly hacked version of Mountain Pass Clock), but I'm kind of doubtful that any of them could be causing this.
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I got my bangle.js 2 a couple of days ago, and I tried calibrating the battery at full charge through the settings, but after doing so ("calibrate battery", "yes") it prints a couple of messages and then hangs at "Reloading..." forever. If I hold the button for a few seconds and release when I see "Loading...", I get back to the clock, but I feel like that's probably not what's intended to happen there.
I have a few non-default apps installed (the Android integration, Battery Level Widget (Themed), SleepPhaseAlarm, a slightly hacked version of Mountain Pass Clock), but I'm kind of doubtful that any of them could be causing this.