• …. But when doing this initially it felt like CSV wasn't really a 'standard' in the way that GPX/KML was.

    No worries, it still isn't. It's just that TrainingPeaks only accepts CSVs as formatted by specific training hardware. I do believe that GPX is the superior format anyways. I know of no program that uses KML, so I'm neglecting that one. :P

    It'd be pretty easy to add an option that was something like 'use these coordinates when GPS unavailable', which might (hopefully) solve most issues for you.

    I've tested a GPX file of a training I've done outside. This seems to work out — pun intended — just fine. It's the superior option what I'm concerned. The main problem then is that the HR readouts are only exported given GPX-values are set.

    I've edited a GPX-readout from my watch to only show realistic time and HR values.
    It seems to work out just fine. Setting all coordinates to zero also keeps the HR and time values. Keeping coordinates as an empty string is no problem either.

    I believe the problem is fixed by removing the check in this line: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/0f25f341d4217ff29b8818e61f71210d29d0d41d/apps/recorder/interface.html#L94

    Attached are the GPX-readouts.

    P.S.: I see there is even extra, commented out plausible data entries. Cool, so we just need to perform some data checks and enable them? :D

    Thanks for your personal support, Gordon. I might be nitpicking, but take that as a compliment. I love my Bangle.JS 2. All your hard work is appreciated.

    2 Attachments
