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  • What happens if you change

    if(event.y<60){ walking(){function selectOnTouchTimer(n, event1) {timer();};}


      Bangle.removeListener('touch', selectOnTouch);
      {function selectOnTouchTimer(n, event1) {timer();};}


    I'm not sure what line 4 above would actually do though? Seems to me like it's only defining a function - not executing it.

    I would probably try a rewrite to something like

    function selectOnTouchTimer(n, event1) {timer()}
    function selectOnTouch(n, event) { 
        Bangle.removeListener('touch', selectOnTouch);
        Bangle.on('touch', selectOnTouchTimer)
      else if(event.y>=60 && event.y<120) {jogging();}
      else {cycling();}

    possibly switching line 6 and 7 around.

    Does any of that make it work?

    EDIT: Also, both your examples have too few closing curly brackets. There should be a final one closing out the function selectOnTouch() in both. The second example also needs one more at the end of line 2.


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