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  • Hi,
    I have tried the function "access the internet", but have encountered problems.
    I have tried several web pages, with each one I get a (different) SaxParseException.

    For example, the following call results in the exception:


    Does the call work for anyone? Is it possibly a problem with my phone?

    Using the relevant lines from the BanglejsGadgetBridge project, I was able to recreate the error in a small sample project of my own.

    InputSource inputXML = new InputSource(new StringReader(response));
    XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
    response = xPath.evaluate(xmlPath, inputXML);

    Simple HTML/XML structures work, but complex web pages do not. I think the parser can't handle the embedded JavaScript. But I am not sure.

    I searched for other solutions and tried Jsoup. For me it worked very well.

    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(response);
    response =;

    A big disadvantage is that XPath cannot be used, but selector.

    The question is, am I alone with this problem? Can someone help me to get the default implementation to work? Is an implementation with Jsoup possible, or is there something against it?


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