Hi, I've got a Puck attached to my main house electricity meter monitoring consumption and a MDBT42 on a meter that is connected to my solar panels. In general it's all running brilliantly.
Both devices essentially have the same code. There are subtle differences as the house meter has 800 flashes per kwh whereas the solar meter has 1000/kwh.
The MDBT42 'crashes' after about a week and I cannot connect to it. The IDE connects but then reports a disconnected error message immediately. I therefore have to restart the device.
The puck has been up and running for weeks without issue.
The puck has a coin cell power whereas the MDBT42 is powered by usb. I cut up an old usb cable and soldered it to get power. The power is supplied by a standard 3pin plug/usb output.
I keep losing my historic data so it's a smidge frustrating (note to self update the code to store the historic data better).
Do you have any ideas why the device crashes when the Puck is absolutely fine?
Unfortunately when it 'crashes' I cannot connect to it so I've not been able to see any errors (note to self write any exception to storage).
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Hi, I've got a Puck attached to my main house electricity meter monitoring consumption and a MDBT42 on a meter that is connected to my solar panels. In general it's all running brilliantly.
Both devices essentially have the same code. There are subtle differences as the house meter has 800 flashes per kwh whereas the solar meter has 1000/kwh.
The MDBT42 'crashes' after about a week and I cannot connect to it. The IDE connects but then reports a disconnected error message immediately. I therefore have to restart the device.
The puck has been up and running for weeks without issue.
The puck has a coin cell power whereas the MDBT42 is powered by usb. I cut up an old usb cable and soldered it to get power. The power is supplied by a standard 3pin plug/usb output.
I keep losing my historic data so it's a smidge frustrating (note to self update the code to store the historic data better).
Do you have any ideas why the device crashes when the Puck is absolutely fine?
Unfortunately when it 'crashes' I cannot connect to it so I've not been able to see any errors (note to self write any exception to storage).