Review of Run App #7298
Replies: 2 comments
Posted at 2022-01-16 by Fteacher Hi, it's been a crazy week with almost no running for me. I was checking the app loader and saw the app and couldn't wait to go out to test it too ! Instead of waiting for the fresh air of the evening I went for a run at 11am today. Australia, 27°c in the shade. The sweat was burning my eyes and I was thinking it was probably corroding the charging points too (drenched in sweat but not more corroded than before).
Posted at 2022-01-16 by pelrun "Upload" the Assisted GPS app from the app loader before starting a run. This will immediately and significantly improve your initial fix and you should easily get a fix outdoors in only a few seconds instead of minutes. Posted at 2022-01-16 by Fteacher Thanks for the hint @pelrun. I actually downloaded AGPS yesterday. 1 minute is not too bad to get a fix. But the distance difference is annoying. Posted at 2022-01-16 by Fteacher Actually I've just checked the data in the recorder app and found a .gpx of 5.5kms. Which is much closer to reality. Also, I forgot that I ran along a slightly longer way than usually, maybe 5.2kms I have to retry all that to get more precise measurements. The gps is a bit out of track, but not too much actually. Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB
It will depend on how many samples the recorder app and run app take. If the GPS recorder app is set say to record a fix every 30 seconds and the run app is doing it every 1 second then there will be a difference when all the distances between the points are added up. I think the run app will be taking a point every 1 second as that is the default setting for the GPS when it is powered on. The recorder app will see the fixes every second but only record one every 30 seconds. The finer the detail on the tracking the more the calculation will vary as there is up to 20m inaccuracy between one fix and the next. So it is possible you could stand on the same spot and over a 30 minute period adding up all the distances between the points would add up to a significant distance when in fact you have stood still. My guess is that the run app has not yet been tested enough to minimise the errors. Its the snowflake curve effect. Basically the perimeter of a shoreline gets longer and longer the more you zoom in. So the code needs to make sure that either it sets the GPS to send a position every 10,20 or 30 seconds OR skips gps locations that are within 20m of the previous position. Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB
1 minute is brilliant. So far its taking 12 minutes for the first fix of the day. I suspect if you power the GPS on sometime later from a location close to where you were it will be even faster. Its the first fix of the day that normally takes longer. I only just noticed that the AGPS App was updated to get a fix quicker. I looked at the code - its not actually getting AGPS data yet - its just setting the satellites to one set or more - which makes getting a first fix simpler. Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB
Some older farts like me want minutes/mile. I did the bulk of my running days in the 90s and I know what a 6 or 8 minute mile feels like. I cant't get used to using km, I just dont have an accurate radar in my brain to meaure it, whereas I am finallt tuned to estimating distance in miles, I know what it looks like in terms of how many lamposts I have gone past. Posted at 2022-01-16 by pelrun
I don't know where you're getting that idea; it is absolutely downloading the AGPS data and sending it to the watch, and has been since the app was added to the Bangle.js 2 apploader. The constellation selector was committed afterwards and is only of minor/unknown benefit (although you can definitely make things worse if you disable the GPS constellation, as that's the only one we get AGPS data for.) Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB
At the moment thats correct for Bangle 1 only. Lines 137-141 handle Bangle 1 and send UBLOX AGPS data. Lines 142-155 handle Bangle 2 and only send a CAS04 NMEA command to select the type of GPS service. The code is incorrectly saying CASIC when these commands are NMEA protocol. The comments in lines 151-154, show that the author knows that to send AGPS to the Bangle 2 GPS chip you need to use the CASIC AID-INI (0x0B 0x01) message and this is not implemented yet. Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB UPDATE on the REVIEW: I went out again and retested. I was walking, but it works just a well. I took the screenshot when I got back to the car and connected my phone, hence why CADENCE is 0. Warmed up the GPS first. Used the AGPS app and confirmed that setting only to the GPS service actually does speed up the first fix for Bangle 2 (even though no AGPS data is sent, its just using the CAS04 NMEA command on Bangle 2). The DISTANCE looks like it is displaying in Km even though it says miles. I know that 2000 steps for me is 1m. Which would come to 3.48mile approx. In km that would be (8/5)*3.48 = 5.57. So its possible that either the app is displaying distance in km with some error - the screenshot shows the units as mi. PACE is definely coming out in minutes / km. Would it be clearer to display as 7:56 rather than 07'56" ? HEART rate - seems to slow right down when I am moving. At one point I was walking up hil puffed out and I knew my heart rate was high. I looked down and it was showing 81, I stopped for 2 minutes and saw it rise to 151 drop to 138, as soon as I started moving it droped to 80 ish. Definitely a problem with heart rate monitoring when moving. TIME: Would it be better if it said 1:18:31 instead of 78:31. Imagine you are running a half marathon, you dont want to have to translate 137:42 into 2 hours 17 mins. Attachments: Posted at 2022-01-16 by myownself
One of the Kickstarter updates (the one about tempering expectations) says that the heart rate monitor is (currently) only good when staying still. I'm not sure whether that still stands. Posted at 2022-01-16 by HughB
Ah ok. I didn't spot that. I'll try some of the other heart rate monitoring apps next time I'm out and about. Its a shame as heart rate is fairly fundemental to a sports watch. I do seem to remember reading a post by Gordon saying he had to reverse engineer the heart rate monitor bit to get it to work so I guess we will be stuck for a while until we have our own code. Posted at 2022-01-16 by myownself The HRM was one of my top requirements for a watch, so when I can I'll be digging around at it. I think Gordon eventually got hold of a datasheet but wasn't sure whether he was allowed to share it, so he might have improvements in mind already. Posted at 2022-01-17 by Fteacher @hughb I definitively prefer 1:36 rather than 1'36". And my preference goes to 2:17:35 for 2 hours 17 minutes 35 seconds, rather than just minutes. Posted at 2022-01-17 by pelrun Why does nobody just take me at my word? :) Line 74-85 - downloads the AGPS data (hosted on Espruino server and pre-encoded) If you're expecting to see code which interprets/builds binary CASIC commands, there isn't any - the download is already formatted for being written directly to the GPS serial port. Posted at 2022-01-17 by @gfwilliams @hughb as @pelrun says I'm pretty sure AGPS works fine now. You can see if you do
Yes, absolutely - right now the idea is it's pretty much a clone of the functionality, but hopefully in a nice, simple way. Thanks for the suggestions! Just some notes on what's been mentioned:
Sorry if I missed something! Posted at 2022-01-17 by HughB
Yes - I like it a lot. To me it does not need too much more. Nice to get a buzz every mile and switch to a display that tells you your mile / km pace and time for that last segment etc. But such features can be explored when the basics are working, which I think are quite close already.
The Sports Adventure App has an implementation of a kalman filter.
How about this for a starter for ten. 1) The default setting is that starting a run will initiate a recording. If the recording is too short, on stop prompt and say keep or throw away ? 2) Have a setting that says 'use recorder Y/N' so you can disable recordings if you dont want them - Y by default. 3) It would seamless if the recorder auto-incremented the log file everytime you start a new run. Its a real nuisance having to go back to the recorder to nudge it along so that you dont mess up a previous recording. I think I would be quite happy to view the logs through the recorder, but 4) the use of numbers for the logs is not very user friendly, better to call the logs YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM.rec in the storage then you can present a list of logs and you can see which one you want, you could even reformat the filename and use 15 JAN 09:30 in the list view. I will get a screenshot of the AmizFit bip. I'm not saying thats the only way but it is easy to use.
There's not much space on the screen, anymore would be overload. But I kind of like the idea of plugins, eg: you dont want steps so you can replace that slot with altitude, you dont want steps & Cadence but you want OS grid ref instead (it would have to be 2 slots to be readable), etc. Posted at 2022-01-17 by HughB @pelrun - my apologies, thanks for putting me right. Thank you or whoever got this running. Excellent job and I think it will really make a difference. It worked for me like a dream. I got a buzz for first fix after about 1 minute, Posted at 2022-01-17 by HughB
I think for running you are right. Having said that I'm doing fast walking , jogging at the moment so it is useful, but maybe as configuration option. Generally if I was fit I would want to know, how far have I gone, what's my overall pace, whats my current pace, whats my heart rate, what did I do the last mile in ? In the good old days when I could do half marathons I used to spend a few hundred yards working that all out in my head from a CASIO watch that just timed the whole race. I definitely want to be able to turn the GPS off and save battery life. So this would make the dist and pace slots. Posted at 2022-01-17 by HughB I have done a pull request with some small changes which hopefully don't cut across the spirit of the app. -formatted pace as mm:ss Posted at 2022-01-18 by @gfwilliams Ok, thanks! I still wonder about disabling GPS though - I mean, you'd have to be running for ~8 hours before it flattened the battery? And without it, at least 2 of the things there are useless. Good point about the track numbering - it seems pretty rare you'd want to overwrite the same track so maybe putting the full date in the filename is easier. Posted at 2022-01-18 by Mi +1 for full date in filename
I plan to dig into this in the next weeks (as time allows). Will check what you did with step counter. First step I planned so far would be to record PolarH10 and bangle2 raw in sync in situations with increasing level of hand movement (rest, bike, running, ...) and for a spectrum of heart rates (and therfore also HRV from unregular to regular).
I definitely care about the 'open', but you might be right about the majority. Would be great if you could keep the 'open' as an option at least. Posted at 2022-01-18 by myownself I also care about the open, and heart rate monitoring is one of the main features I am after in a watch so when I get one I will also be looking at heart rate and also some of the more novel features we can extract. I have looked at a lot of papers. I remember one was a particularly good overview, I will see if I can dig it out again @mi. Posted at 2022-01-18 by HughB
There are quite a few other factors at play (I think).
Posted at 2022-01-18 by HughB
I installed the Languauges app - could not spot any additional menus anywhere to choose miles or km. Posted at 2022-01-19 by @gfwilliams
It just sets it up according to your country: Posted at 2022-01-19 by Fteacher About kms and miles, I think the language or the country might not be the best approach. For instance, I'm a froggie, so French language may trigger kms, but I use English language on the watch and therefore call for miles, but I live down under and the metric system is the reference since 1980. I'm in favor of letting the user choose, rather than assuming. Or, assume, ok, but let open the possibility to change it anyway. Posted at 2022-01-19 by HughB
Absolutely. Thats the point of having the locale and language modules. Posted at 2022-01-19 by HughB With regards to distance accuracy on the RUN app I have done some real world tests. I have done any experiment with only taking every 1oth fix to calculate the distance delta. This worked better but still not right. I have a loop round the backstreet, top of the next road and back. Initial attempt using the existing Bangle calculation came out at 560m. Considering I hade only recorded 320 steps I knew this was iffy. I changed the calculation to the
Changing to this calcualtion I then recorded 336m. Where my AmazFit Bip recorded 0.24 miles. Posted at 2022-01-20 by @gfwilliams @FTeacher if someone wants to submit some changes to @hughb thanks - that sounds like a much better approach - please could you submit a PR? I don't know quite why I thought Bangle.project would work :( I remember now that when I'd done the And unsurprisingly the scale factor for the UK ended up at 0.6ish, which is exactly 336/560 Posted at 2022-01-20 by HughB Will do a PR maybe tonight. Want to do a 1 mile test against a Garmin Etrex first. Posted at 2022-01-20 by HughB Lunchtime testing. Etrex 1.3m I also noticed the distance is in meters to start with (as in 560m) . Then it switches to miles (as in 1.1mi) - very odd. Currently I am avoiding the GPS gitter by taking every 10th fix. I will try at every 5 seconds and then 2 but feel a fix every 1 second is bound to introduce errors - due to the snowflake effect I described earlier. I this an update every 5 seconds is enough in practice. Every 10 secnds is too long if you want to see it flip over when you are running. Attachments: Posted at 2022-01-22 by HughB Just done a pull request for Run v0.03 - which fixes the distance calculation. I have tested against a Garmin Etrex and an AmazFit GTS 2. Posted at 2022-01-23 by Fteacher Hi, I'll go and run to try it... as soon as I'll feel better. Sick for now. Posted at 2022-01-23 by Mi Short confirmation of already reported observations: HR was much too low definitively (39-45). My wife had plausible values on her bangle2. How would I test v0.03? I see only v0.02 also in development app store. (not really important, can wait) Posted at 2022-01-23 by johan_m_o That's just a conversion from miles to kilometres. 2.93 miles is 4.72 km... But maybe that's been talked about before. I haven't really followed this thread. Posted at 2022-01-23 by HughB To test 0.03 you will need to refresh your local repository after Gordon has merged my pull request. I only submitted on Saturday, so hope Gordon is enjoying his weekend. Aha - but in the meantime it is available on my loader at: Posted at 2022-01-23 by HughB Yes, I am sure something like that will emerge from the planned Android app. Posted at 2022-01-23 by Mi Thanks for the link, got 0.03. Posted at 2022-01-24 by HughB
I think its more that I comment on a lot of posts (perhaps too many for my own good), and ask a lot of questions. Posted at 2022-01-25 by Fteacher Re-reviewing the run app and more various feedbacks on running with Bjs2. GPS: I downloaded agps and went out for a gps fix. It got it within 15 seconds, while doing warm up (moving the arms), awesome ! I started the recorder app, but it was out of gps for a few minutes of the run. Therefore the results are biased. I ran 8.295kms with the Garmin watch and 8.127kms with the bjs2. I'll try again. Attachments: Posted at 2022-01-25 by myownself @FTeacher as said in the other thread, I am interested in writing it - the Run app doesn't cover all of my wishes, and Gordon has expressed the desire to keep it simple. That said, I made my app even lower priority when Gordon released the Run app. Posted at 2022-01-25 by HughB @FTeacher @MyOwnSelf. I agree with you both about where the RUN app should go in terms of LIEV feedback. Steps is not really interesting to runners - it could be a setting though (show steps/ show pace now / show last mile pace etc).
Posted at 2022-01-25 by Mi @johan_m_o: as far as I understood its about lat/lon distance calculation and just accidentaly the same factor as km/mi for our distance from equator. @hughb: v0.03 really made the difference: Still heartrate is completely broken for me. As said I plan to dig deeper into this soon. Update: Typing the above text brought step counter to 8240. Posted at 2022-01-25 by Mi
If you can find that, would be great.
What do you have in mind here? Posted at 2022-01-26 by @gfwilliams The very latest Bangle.js firmwares do have much improved heart rate monitoring now, but I think while running there will still be issues until someone can come up with an HRM algorithm which uses accelerometer data to discount false readings Posted at 2022-01-26 by Mi Ah good. I see the commit "significantly improved beat detection using peak finding and zero c…" Posted at 2022-01-26 by Fteacher @gfwilliams I've upgraded to 2v11.44 I do trust you about the process being much better but I don't think the HRM results are close to kind of ok yet. I feel bad about showering your optimism. I'm sitting still and whatever the position of the wrist band on my wrist or front arm the hrm is between 80 and 105 when it should be between 56 and 59. Or is it just my device ? Posted at 2022-01-26 by @gfwilliams @FTeacher and you're on a Bangle.js 2, and using the Run app? How long did you give it? The HRM gives a confidence level and I believe the run app just ignores that, giving you whatever value it has even if it's not sure it's right. At least in my tests on a variety of devices, heart rate seemed pretty reliable about 20 secs after starting if I keep my hand still. If I move my arm around then the heart rate goes way out, but at least the confidence value drops to 0 so then apps know it's not a good indicator of the actual heart rate Obviously anyone's welcome to jump in on this and improve the HRM code, but right now all I can do is get it working well for me. Posted at 2022-01-26 by myownself
You opened a thread previously and you and I described what we had in mind - I suggest that we discuss there. I agree that Gordon's app is a great base. Posted at 2022-01-26 by HughB
@gfwilliams - would you prefer the RUN app is left as is and we clone and evolve a new RUN++ App. I personally think there is milage in fixing some of the issues on the existing RUN app. For example cadence would be better replaced with PACE_NOW which could be calculated from current fix and 2-3 fixes ago. AT MILE/KM intervals pace could be a pop up for 20 seconds with a buzz that then goes back to the standard screen. This is how most of the running apps seem to work. If we clone and evolve - maybe we should rename RUN to basic-RUN to make it clear that its a simple example app from which others can be derived. Posted at 2022-01-26 by myownself I can't speak for Gordon, but as for me: I found out about this watch because I was looking for a sports watch, so the sorts of things I want to implement/see implemented are things that friends with sports watches have described. That includes the things discussed on the other thread, and possibly more. Posted at 2022-01-27 by @gfwilliams Actually @FTeacher at build 2v11.44 it's possible you got one in the midst of the HRM changes, which definitely would have been a step back - so a newer build might be better. @hughb basically (much like you'd said about the Anton clock) I'd like it to be a good learning tools and starting point for other apps. So I'd like the code to stay simple enough that people could look at it and go "I can start from this and tweak it to my liking" without duplicating a bunch of code, but that doesn't mean it can't have new features. I don't really want it to turn into a big, sprawling, kitchen sink type app. I'm thinking:
I guess maybe if we could do it so the code is clean there's an argument for having a setting screen for 'BOX1: ...', 'BOX2: ...' where you choose what appears in each of the boxes? I'm happy to make changes to move the calculations into a library. That could be a good starting point? If done right it could allow folks to contribute new stats and then have those appear in whatever run/exercise app decided to use them. My gut feeling from this and the other thread is that actually everyone wants something different, and different sports will want different stuff displayed. I think we can go some way towards helping by making the app a bit customisable, but at some point we'll make it very customisable, and then someone will say "well I go cycling and running and I want to be able to switch" and then we end up with a bunch of different profiles too, and soon it's just this huge, unmaintainable app that's a bit daunting even for new users. I'd like to try and avoid that as much as possible :) Posted at 2022-01-27 by @gfwilliams Ok, I've just created a branch for an updated run app. What do you think?
I've added a 'Current Pace' option for statistics that just uses the GPS reported speed. Personally I feel much more confident using that than calculating it from raw GPS coordinates as the GPS itself has a much better idea what's going on Posted at 2022-01-27 by Fteacher From what I've seen I like it very much. Posted at 2022-01-27 by HughB
How do I install this ? Apologies, I could probably fugure it out but short on time. Looks like you have been busy.
Then the new configurable app can be called RUN and we take it forward. BTW gpstouch has a geotools module and distance between 2 lat / lons would be agood thing to put into that. I'm not sure how you make a generic library that can be used by other apps other than making the other app a dependancy. Posted at 2022-01-28 by Fteacher Same here. I just copied the code in the web ide and tried to send it to the watch. I ran a few errors: @gfwilliams and @hughb the approach of having one app light and efficient and easy to learn from seems great (+it looks advanced enough for me to stop using the Garmin, I just need the recorder app to behave better). Posted at 2022-01-28 by myownself @FTeacher I didn't see anywhere that said forks etc. were bad, so maybe we understood things differently. @gfwilliams I don't know if I feel a library is necessary, because I don't see the problem with code duplication here - people can copy/paste what the run app has that works for their app and add what doesn't (or re-implement... just making a user interface isn't the fun part for everyone). Edit for clarity: I'm also not saying a library is a bad thing, nobody is obliged to use what is already there, I'm just saying that the run app is simple enough that someone can take what they want from it as is. Posted at 2022-01-28 by @gfwilliams
A fork is no problem at all - but what I want to avoid is duplicated code for calculating stats. For instance when I first did the app, distance recording was wrong and @hughb fixed it. Maybe after there are forks someone discovers a similar issue - we don't want to have to copy/paste that change to every fork. Same for adding more options or types of stat - ideally we make it so if someone adds another type of stat to display, you can then get that stat in other apps pretty easily - when someone contributes everyone benefits. Right now the app was pretty simple, but when you start adding configurable locale settings/etc things are going to start getting more complicated.
It depends - what happened with Bangle.js 1 is often apps stopped being maintained after the first 6 months - and then if there's a problem it was me that had to sort it. The 'Run' app is an attempt to replace 'BangleRun' that had exactly that issue and turned into a maintenance nightmare because it was written in TypeScript and mostly undocumented... So I guess with this one I'm a bit more worried about maintenance precisely because the last one was such a pain. Posted at 2022-01-28 by myownself
Maybe not my place to say, but I don't think you should feel obliged to take over unmaintained apps. If an app that someone else contributed has a problem, and the original authors have lost interest, that is a gap for someone else to step in and take part - either by adopting the existing app, or creating a new one. In some cases, it might inspire someone to do something even better than the original. I can understand how having all the apps under one roof (repository) with one list of issues could give you the feeling that you need to take responsibility, but you've already provided an amazing platform, you don't need to shoulder everything yourself. Posted at 2022-01-28 by @gfwilliams Ok, I've just merged the branch in with a few tweaks and committed it, so you can try it out properly (with the development app loader) Posted at 2022-01-28 by Fteacher It's a few months that I'm following regularly what's going on with bangle.js and I never realised there was a dev app loader !
Posted at 2022-01-30 by HughB Gave RUN v0.03 a field test, over 1.8m walk/run. Some issues below noted, not sure I will get time to investigate further this week. DIST never updates - just says 0m all the time. PACE(Cur) wobbles a low, needs to use points more spaced out (every 5th point), or set GPS into pedestrian mode, or use a Kalman filter. The labels for PACE (AVERAGE) , PACE(NOW) collide. I think A PACE and C PACE would work better. In Dark Theme time does not display. You just get a white box. If you change background to Magenta through customise then it works magenta on white. Something odd going on with the layout manager. Screesnhot below was not my test run, just to show layout issues. Attachments: Posted at 2022-01-30 by Mi Looks to me something broke GPS?! Posted at 2022-01-30 by Fteacher I reviewed the last version of this app in the wrong thread. Posted at 2022-01-31 by @gfwilliams @FTeacher just responding to your points on the other thread here...
Eeep, sorry about that - I'll try and figure out what happened. I was sure I took it out to test, but maybe I forgot to commit a change.
Yes, a speed item would be good. In fact that could just use the current locale
I'm fine with that. It's just a one-liner... @hughb maybe just a running average for the current speed would be best? Or I guess a small median filter... Posted at 2022-01-31 by @gfwilliams ... just updated, fixed distance and added a 'speed' option. Also, I noticed that the distance calculation had a I guess one option is to detect if the GPS thinks it is stationary, and if it is, don't add anything to the Posted at 2022-01-31 by HughB
Its possible this may not be significant, when I did the accuracy test I was seeing a very low, 0m difference between 2 points when using AGPS. I'll try and give this a test run tomorrow lunchtime and let you know. Any thoughts on the label collisions / overcrowding. I would have done a PR at the weekend but was not sure I fully understood how the new Estats module worked without more study of the code. Posted at 2022-02-01 by @gfwilliams
I did change the titles (A Pace/C Pace). But in the app the title font size is in a variable, so I guess we could run over all the titles and see if they fit in the allowed space - if not we could go for a smaller font. Posted at 2022-02-01 by HughB Hi @gfwilliams - have tested v0.05, on a quick walk / run at lunchtime.
Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-01 by @gfwilliams Argh - just realised I was checking the distance not between the current and last fix, but the current and last but one fix. I think if you upload (from dev loader) now it'll be sorted. For C PACE I just added a simple average. If that's not good enough we can always do a median filter Posted at 2022-02-01 by HughB Dev loader? Is this different to a merge on my report and a push to my loader? Posted at 2022-02-02 by Fteacher @hughb Gordon refers to this app loader. Though it's v0.05 in both dev app loader and regular app loader.
Posted at 2022-02-02 by @gfwilliams I guess one question is: do we save the 'simple' data (duration, average speed/BPM) from each run somewhere automatically? We could just stick that in a text file and realistically it wouldn't full up the Bangle's storage. The next step I guess is turning recording on/off automatically. I guess we just have a setting in the I think the export should really be via the For graphs, I'd say put in in the recorder app too. Potentially we could make the graphing code a library so you can still display that information from inside the Run app - or maybe we just have a way of jumping straight to the recorded track inside the run app. Posted at 2022-02-02 by Fteacher Each time I think we're almost there, I realize there's actually more to it...
For the data and graphs in the recorder app, I suppose we'll open a different thread for it. Again different people with different needs. Posted at 2022-02-02 by HughB Automatically invoking the recorder would be the general use case I would expect. And a setting not to record if you dont want to.
Would there be benefit to having this as part of the recorder data, maybe stored in another file BUT attached to the recording as metadata etc ? On AMizFit Bip they have an 'Activity History' app that is basically what we are doing with the recorder.
Yes. Thats the way most smartwatches work. They dont give you the choice not to record, its just assumed you want it. Then it is up to the user to delete entries from a list one by one. All sounds great. I think this is an important App to get right and one that is generally expected to be standard these days. Posted at 2022-02-02 by HughB
I'm only seeing v0.05 in all branches and app loaders. Have done a fetch / merge on my local and dont see any further commits since 27 Jan and v0.05. The dev loader also have 0.05 and when I click on the link to the source I see: Posted at 2022-02-03 by @gfwilliams
It's because the change went into the library, and because the app wasn't published on the main bangleapps site I didn't bump the version... Posted at 2022-02-03 by ber On precision, in my few attempts with running the GPS with banglejs2 I've noticed the same problem as with banglejs1: the precision of the running app is wrong. (espruino/BangleApps#761) I've tuned the measuring intervall to be the same (3 seconds) in the GPS recorder and I've compared the caclculation of the gps rec with the calculation of an external app after download the coordinates. From my view there is a defect in the Run app calculation which is not the snowflake effect nor the a missing next point prediction filter (like kalman). If it was one of the two things, it would have shown in the external summing up of the distance as well. Posted at 2022-02-03 by @gfwilliams @ber ok I think for this we really need some data.
If you set the GPS recorder to update every 3 seconds, that will be skipping out 2 out of 3 GPS readings, and I'd expect that to then show you a lower trek distance when you analyse it than the Bangle would find when it looks at every reading. Posted at 2022-02-03 by HughB I tested 0.05 today with the corrected ex stats module. Distance was spot on. I'm not validating against what the recorder is showing at this point in time, maybe next time if I remember. Any validation would need the same update frequency in both apps and confirmation that the distance calculations are the same. Posted at 2022-02-04 by Fteacher Test run.
On my Garmin it records automatically and when paused, offers to record the data, ignore, or resume the run. But automatically recording, with the possibility not to do so in the settings, and then being able to manage/delete the files seems like a good way to deal with it too. Posted at 2022-02-04 by @gfwilliams Great! We've just had a PR for the recorder which means it pops up a 'Overwrite recording? Yes, New File, cancel` window, so I think it'd be pretty easy to modify the run app. I'll look into that now Posted at 2022-02-04 by @gfwilliams Just done (in dev app loader) Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB Is there an interface to the recorder - that just says start a new recording. Not sure we would need an Overwrite / Yes / New / Cancel - dialogue. The 3 button dialogues are really tricky and I feel they should be avoided where possible. Less options sometimes leads to better UI, look and feel etc. In my case I basically have the recorder turned off except for running - so I would want it to just start a new recording file each time. Would be good to have a setting for minimum size of recording. EG. If you abort the run after 5 mins - just throw the recording away. Anything over 5 mins would count as a solid recording. Posted at 2022-02-04 by Fteacher
That makes sense especially if someone codes something like "automatic activity recognition" where the run app and recorder would be triggered by specific motion recognition (Is this related to Machine Learning or TensorFlow ? You guys may know) I'll test it more later. Posted at 2022-02-04 by myownself This could be part of the step counter algorithm. There is already detection for walking, and I've experimented with distinguishing between walking and running. There could be an event for "start running" for a widget to hook into. That said, do you use that feature on your other watches? When I was gathering a list of features from friends with sports watches, this was one people said they didn't use because they prefer to start the activity manually. |
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Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB I always prefer to manually start anything that is going to drain the battery. Eg don't want to run 100m for the bus only to have the heart rate monitor, gps and recorder kick in thinking I am starting a run etc. Still a lot of basics to get right though, like reliable heart rate when moving., low power gps configuration and putting the gps into pedestrian mode to get more stable speed and course information. Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB Run start would just be steps faster than 400ms say. Anything above 4pmh is probably running or jogging. Posted at 2022-02-04 by myownself Yes, that's pretty much it, but I think it needs to be an overlapping range or an average over n steps. Otherwise you can drift between a fast walk and a slow run/jog. Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB I think this is why walking and running are treated as seperate activity apps on most sports watches I have seen. Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB updated to Run 0.06 and Recorder 0.09 Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-04 by Mi same here update: After leaving with long press I got Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB Wordering if instead of Posted at 2022-02-04 by HughB Starting the RUN starts the recorder nicely though and I can see the overwrite dialogue. Posted at 2022-02-04 by myownself I have been looking for a particular paper that I saw but I can't find it anymore, but I have manages to find this one which I bookmarked and I think is very informative. Maybe we can discuss some approaches and goals sometime? Heart rate, heart Rate variability and spo2 are the most common, but blood pressure is also possible. Arythmia detection would be interesting too, and breathing rate. Posted at 2022-02-04 by Fteacher You're right @hughb and @MyOwnSelf : the auto-start feature is fancy but not useful. I prefer to rely on myself to be sure it started anyway.
Agree. Still, the option to pause and resume the recording should be included. You may or may not want to record the time when you stopped your run to have a drink relace your shoes and then restart. Posted at 2022-02-05 by myownself
True, but this is the thread where it came up. Posted at 2022-02-05 by Mi Thanks @MyOwnSelf. UPDATE: Done Posted at 2022-02-05 by HughB Tested Run 0.06 and Recorder 0.09 The GPS on Run will have taken fixes every 1 second and stated I had done 4.2m which I know was about right. I did almost 8k steps. The recorder was unfortunately set at 10 second intervals (and I could not have changed it due to the bug reported) so downloading the recorder GPX file and loading it into view ranger says I only did 3.56 miles. But when you look at route it is not following the path as it is skipping points. To be expected. If we want these to come out the same then I think Run and Recorder MUST use the same recording resolution. There is an argument for an interface to the recorder that says start the recorrder client=run, use these parameters for the recording. I also recorded heart rate data as I wanted to compare against an Amizfit Bip and see exactly where heart rate is failing. But my data is going to be fairly useless. I was attempting to test for my max heart rate and recorded 174 on the Amizfit at one point. A few question arise: For Heart rate in the recorder do we use the confidence value at all, do we take a rolling avarage say ? On Bangle 1 I came to the conclusion that confidence was a waste of time and it was better ignored and heart rate averaged. What does source mean in the CSV output ? I have attached the CSV file if it will help anyone. Really dissappointed that the settings was every 10 seconds. I had set it that was before but really think the client app should be passing the settings across to the recorder. Going to be next weekend before I can do a really thorough test like this again. Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-05 by Mi
My impression is exactly opposite right now. Should have a real statistic by tomoorow. But it seems HR is really good when confidence is high (>90) and way off with low confidence which would make any averages useless. I got this impression from looking on BT HRM which show all relevant values. Posted at 2022-02-05 by HughB If you look at the first 4 rows in the screenshot. Heart rate 99 - confidence 40, then confidence is 0 for the next 8 readings but most were close to 100 bpm. Posted at 2022-02-06 by Mi Did some statistics. We were both right sort of: See scatter plot of dHR over confidence (dHR is differnce between bangle reading and a polar H10) and the standard deviation over confidence in the two attached pictures. This recording is from walking on pavement and driving car as a passanger. For an other recording with walking on rough terrain, the result is pretty much the same, just higher amount of data with low confidence. Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-06 by HughB I think with your statistical approach it might be possible to estbalish a minimum confidence level where taking an average is going to be good enough for most people. The question is how much accuracy people are after when measuring heart rate. For example I dont really mind if its +-3bpm out against something more accurate BUT I would like the HRM to work when I am running and up to 7min mile pace would cover most casual amature runners. Obviosuly once you are going over that you are pretty much a known athlete (local club level) for 1/2 marathons etc, and accuracy will matter a lot. For the likes of me (currently tying to get into the couch-5k bracket) I'm not too bothered about HRM accuracy, just want it to record 150 when I am running at 6 miles an hour etc. For meauring one version against another what should the test methodology be at running speed. EG run at 4mph , 5mph and record heart rate to within X% of some other device. Aplogies for talking miles, all my main running was done before quoting everything in K became the norm. Posted at 2022-02-06 by Mi
Right now the statiscs only reflect the algorithm used at recording time and are not suitable to compare differenct parameters/approaches. But then yes, a set of files from different runners is what I think of. I don't know how relevant the concrete speed is above some point - depends on style I would guess, but we see the speed roughly from number of steps or more accurate from GPS if provided in the file anyway. And sorry that I posted those statistics here in the Run App Review Thread Posted at 2022-02-07 by @gfwilliams
I just looked into this, it seems like it never worked? Fixed now, but you could just run 'Recorder' from the Launcher to get the menu
Don't do that now! Confidence is much better and really useful, even on Bangle.js 1. Also as @mi said, we shouldn't try and play around with the HRM figures in the app. The internal HRM calculations do what's basically a median filter with an average of the HRM figures in the middle - so there is already averaging done. Maybe what's needed is just a bigger median filter and more tolerance of different values - but that's something we need to work out based on data. Posted at 2022-02-07 by HughB
No problem. I wont do this, if things have moved on. I think I only have maybe one Bangle 1 apps where I attempted to use HRM. Posted at 2022-02-07 by HughB
Have updated and will give it a test tomorrow. Its been a while since I used the recorder but feel I will probably switch over to it. Posted at 2022-02-08 by HughB Re-tested latest Run and Recorder apps today over a 1.03mile loop. Distances recorded:
HOWEVER when the file is imported into viewranger there is a tolerance of 30m and it throws points away if it thinks it can make a simpler polygon. CONCLUSION: I am satisfied that with the recorder set to 1s intervals that the distance calculations by Run and Recorder come out the same. Any discrepancies will be down to not setting the recorder to match the same GPS fix frequency as Run OR down to import issues when the downloaded GPX file is imported into some mapping software. Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-14 by Fteacher It's a week or so I'm having issues with the run app. The app doesn't show live data, it displays data only when I click the button to stop it. I have 4 boxes: distance, time, bpm and speed. The only one I have is bpm. Ah, it doesn't belong here but I also have problems with the bthrm. Posted at 2022-02-16 by Fteacher Am I the only one to have this issue with this app ?? Posted at 2022-02-16 by HughB @FTeacher what version of Run are you using, what version of Firmware? If you add a screenshot of how you have configured RUN I will see if I can reproduce later tonight. Posted at 2022-02-16 by Fteacher I use run v0.06 and the firmware was 2v12.27 I think. I didn't try it again since then. Posted at 2022-02-16 by @gfwilliams Just a thought, but it could be something to do with BTHRM changes? I haven't changed the Run app in a few weeks Posted at 2022-02-16 by HughB I'm on Run 0.06. FW 2.12.32. I have set run up like yours. I'm using the standard heart rate monitor on the watch. Everything looks like its working for me. The screenshot below I dont have a GPS fix but this was just to check I could see the time ticking over and nothing was freezing. Attachments: Posted at 2022-02-17 by Fteacher I updated, tried different things and ... Posted at 2022-02-23 by Fteacher I'm running on a regular basis with the B.js2.
Posted at 2022-02-23 by @gfwilliams I just checked and the BPM value is updated with the value that comes straight from the HRM event - so if your BPM measurement is 30 seconds late that's probably because of the Bluetooth HRM device rather than the run app. Looks like the font is currently a pixel-doubled 6x15 font, so it's 2 pixels wide. Problem with using something like Posted at 2022-03-13 by Fteacher I think HRM device works poorly when low on battery.
Posted at 2022-03-14 by @gfwilliams Thanks! That's interesting about the Bangle.js HRM - and that's on the Bangle.js 2? For the 2 screens - that could be a good idea. I think for that kind of thing it might make sense to fork the current app and add a new one - but it should be a pretty easy change to make. Other things - yes, those seem like good ideas. However I'm super busy at the moment and I don't really have the time to add those. If someone else wanted to, that'd be great though :) Posted at 2022-03-14 by Fteacher Sorry, I made plenty of typos and wasn't clear. It's my external bthrm device that works poorly when low on battery. Posted at 2022-03-14 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher, I am the one who added the notifications and it's really cool to hear that someone else likes them! I'm curious if you find them currently strong enough; after a few runs I'm finding that I miss some of the notifications. I totally agree with the HR alarm idea, but have had issues with my watch reliably showing my HR at all, even when I am motionless. After I get that sorted I plan on adding that feature. Posted at 2022-03-15 by Fteacher @GrandVizierOlaf The HRM is pretty unreliable for me too, but some of us on this forum use an external Bluetooth HRM especially when running, to get accurate data. That works pretty reliably. It would benefit some of us if the option is already here... Posted at 2022-03-19 by HughB The B2 heart rate monitor is only accurate when standing still. Its pretty useless when doing exercise in my opinion. In my Daisy watch I display the heart rate value in white if the confidence value is over 50% and red if less than 50%. When exercising I have to stop running to read the heart rate with a confidence value greater than 50%. Its quite a while since I have played with my Bangle 1 - but seem to remember the HRM was a lot more reliable on a B1 and did not have this problem. Until this gets fixed, needs some real focus and some form of test harness, B2 is not going to be able to claim its a fitness watch. Posted at 2022-03-21 by uname I personally use this app for both running and hiking. I need to be able to put the distance in km (I have the device in English) and if possible I would be interested in being able to put the altitude instead of "pace". in this way, depending on the sport, I can modify the display as I need. The possibility of having the color change on the HR wouldn't be a bad idea either. Matteo Posted at 2022-03-21 by @gfwilliams I think if you install the locale for your country then the distances will display in km for you? Posted at 2022-03-21 by Fteacher
Then you go in settings / run / pace and find "1000m" value. This should do.
Some people in this forum showed interest for Heart rate zones. Actually, I have some .png files here ready for a while. It's the good size, the good colors. Example: Max HR = 186. Min HR = 56. Calculate zone 2 (60-70%) Attachments: Posted at 2022-03-21 by uname I just want the km, the language always interests me that it remains in English. I'll try, thanks @gfwilliams Posted at 2022-03-21 by uname Thanks @FTeacher but unfortunately I don't have the necessary js skills ... yet. Posted at 2022-03-22 by dapgo is anyone using on bangle.js1? BTW. is Run the offical replacement of BangleRun app? Posted at 2022-03-22 by @gfwilliams
That is the plan, yes. Posted at 2022-03-22 by HughB Heart rate zones are a good idea in principle - BUT until the HRM works reliably when moving they wont work. Posted at 2022-03-22 by Fteacher @hughb Some bangle.js2 owners use an external bluetooth hrm, it works great. For 15 bucks you can get a 2nd hand chest heart rate strap and lab grade data. Posted at 2022-03-23 by HughB Good point. Personally I dont want to wear a chest trap when running, I could get a wrist based bluetooth HRM but then I would have to wear it on the other wrist. At which point I might as well wear my Amizfit Bip that I got off eBay for £28 15 months back. Posted at 2022-03-24 by Fteacher Or an arm strap hrm. I spoke about it many times already, but I use a polar oh1+ and it pairs well with the bangle.js2. Posted at 2022-03-24 by Fteacher Hi, today I tried to use and pay attention to the notifications. I used them for distance and basically, it didn't work. What happens is that I go into settings, set up the distance to 1km, then set a pattern for distance. Leave the app, back to the clock. Go back into the settings of the run app and the previous setup has disappeared: there's no pattern for the distance. And therefore, it didn't work during my run. Is it just me ? Posted at 2022-03-24 by GrandVizierOlaf I know where to look to fix that. I'll take a look today and get back to you. Posted at 2022-03-24 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher I've found three bugs and fixed two of them. I hope to have it all submitted in a PR this evening. Posted at 2022-03-24 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher Do you mind loading The only problem I ran into was that as the GPS got a fix it jumped quickly past 5m and I got a ton of notifications serially. I don't think this will be an issue with longer notification distances, but if it is I have a plan to remediate it. Posted at 2022-03-24 by Fteacher I'll try your apps on my next run (in a few days). Can you send me the url of your fork ? Posted at 2022-03-25 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher I ended up going for a drive and testing this more thoroughly so I was confident enough to open a PR. Posted at 2022-03-26 by Fteacher I updated my apps, recorder and run apps were updated. Posted at 2022-03-27 by GrandVizierOlaf Thanks @FTeacher, I was able to duplicate the issue and have opened a PR. I am very interested in the HR alarm and think it would be relatively straightforward to turn the @gfwilliams you mentioned in the original run notifications PR that you didn't want to add too much to Posted at 2022-03-28 by Mi
I can confirm that Polar H10 works like a charm. In addition to HR it also provides PP-Interval which is also stored by recorder (and used by HRV app). Posted at 2022-03-28 by @gfwilliams
I think something like Calories would be great. While it's some extra code I think it's worth it - it's the kind of thing you'd want in many different fitness apps, and you definitely don't want to have to go around entering your age/weight into every app. Posted at 2022-03-28 by uname I think altitude is also important, once the gps is there it shouldn't be complex. In this way, with an app you can cover both the running and hiking parts. Posted at 2022-03-28 by @gfwilliams Altitude from the internal pressure sensor is actually really good - it's just calibrating it each time that's the challenge Posted at 2022-03-28 by Mi Altitude relative to start of run/hike would't need any calibration and still be pretty useful (unless your so high that thin air is a concern I guess thats what is of interest to most hikers anyway, or am I wrong here @uname) Posted at 2022-03-28 by uname The altitude influences many factors, even for trail running, unfortunately for ALL the smartwatches I have tried, even garmin or suunto, the altitude is never correct, at every possible reference it can be calibrated quickly BUT it always returns stoned to the next calibration. Posted at 2022-03-29 by Fteacher Hi, I'm back. I feel like Cassandra, bringing the bad news all the time. Posted at 2022-03-29 by @gfwilliams
You didn't try and set all boxes to the same thing did you? Because I actually added that behaviour because of an issue someone reported.
Only thing I'd say about GPS altitude is IMO it's not that accurate - I forget the figures but because the GPS satellites are spaced out, GPS altitude accuracy is maybe 5x worse for altitude than lat/lon. However, actually using the built-in barometer, and then calibrating the altitude based on the GPS value when you start (if available) feels like it'd work really well. Posted at 2022-03-29 by dapgo
I suffered recently this bug in bangle.js1, not only a record continua after stop but also after kill/exit Run it was recoding. I think the goals defined for "run" are out of the capacity of bangle.js1 specs. I mean setting the dashboard interface is cool but most people will no customize, and low specs hw like bangle.js1 prefers the lack of gold plating :D Posted at 2022-03-29 by Fteacher I didn't try that no :)). My problem is that I don't even need to select the content of a box to trigger that reaction, if I just scroll it (without selecting it) it cleans everything else. It makes the setting of the boxes very difficult. Posted at 2022-03-29 by GrandVizierOlaf @gfwilliams this is because the Edit: I was looking at master If I'm reading it correctly it looks like there is a discrepency in E_showMenu_Q3.js where if the list is short it will use RELEASE_2V12
If that analysis is correct it would be nice to rectify it and have two functions, one for as the item scrolls and one for as the item is saved. For Posted at 2022-03-29 by BartS23 My child had a run this weekend. With a planned distance of 15km, the app would already show 15km after 14501 meters. I think it would be better to round off the measured distance. Posted at 2022-03-29 by GrandVizierOlaf I totally agree! Similarly, with the Posted at 2022-03-29 by BillM In terms of horizontal GPS accuracy, using raw position fixes is going to produce a zig-zagging line between two points so the measured distance is always going to be greater than the actual straight line distance. I wrote my own running app and I use a rolling average of 6 points (1 Hz rate) and then also apply a minimum distance of 7m between distance calculations. This filtering produces fairly good results. My running buddies mostly have Apple watches and my distances agree with their distances well. In terms of elevations, I use the barometer to measure elevation differences. I use the average GPS elevation from the first few minutes before my run as the start elevation. I also use a rolling average on the barometric readings. In terms of the net elevation changes, for a typical run in very hilly terrain over about an hour and a half, I have recorded up to 300m or so of up and 300m or so of down. So far, the net difference between ups and downs have been around 5m or less. This is much better than what my buddies' Apple watches show for elevation changes. For my measurement of +/- 300m, the Apple watch was in the range of +300m, -150m. Given the good elevation results, it appears that the atmospheric conditions are fairly stable over a period of couple of hours. If the weather conditions are changing rapidly, things will probably be not so good. Posted at 2022-03-29 by uname @billm can we test your running app? Posted at 2022-03-30 by BillM Yes. I can provide my app for testing. I don't think it's ready for prime time yet, since there are things that need to be cleaned up (unused code, variables). I will need to do short write-up, but that can be done quickly. What's a good way to make it available for testing? Posted at 2022-03-30 by uname If I remember correctly there is something in the official documentation. Posted at 2022-03-30 by @gfwilliams
Maybe - so just create your own fork of the app loader but with your app added - then anyone can go to the link and install it like from the normal app loader. And yes, a different distance rounding could be good. There was some discussion about updating the Posted at 2022-03-30 by @gfwilliams Just to add, issue with number accuracy was espruino/BangleApps#1523 - I've just pushed a fix to the development app loader now so if you update locale and the run app you should get much more sensible distance rounding Posted at 2022-03-31 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher FYI, Gordon got the the box settings problem is fixed in 0.13. Also, I have a Polar H10 arriving today and after getting used to it for a couple of runs I can start looking at the HRM alarm configuration we discussed the other day. Posted at 2022-04-01 by Fteacher Thanks @GrandVizierOlaf . Glad you have your bthrm. If you don't know about it, check what are Karvonen zones, you might be interested. As I mentionned before, having most of my training in zone2 was a game changer, and if you add hrm alarm in the notifications, well that's great. Posted at 2022-04-06 by GrandVizierOlaf @FTeacher, I haven't forgotten about this but have been working through some quirks with the Polar H10 and BTHRM app. Do you mind doing a test with your OH1 if you get a chance? We're trying to determine if the Bluetooth address is changing on a common device that is powered on and off. @gfwilliams will you make sure I'm not crazy here based on our BTHRM discussions?
I'm also curious what Espruino firmware you're on and if the BluetoothDevice has a name, but that is more a curiosity around the original issue I had with my H10 which has since been fixed. Posted at 2022-04-06 by Mi Did the experiment. ( [], [data], [], [data]) Posted at 2022-04-06 by GrandVizierOlaf Fantastic, thanks @mi! Posted at 2022-04-06 by Mi What does this mean? (don't know what "our BTHRM discussions" was about) Actually in a python app here I did include the id hardcoded to make sure to not get the H10 of my wife. So very sure id stays the same also over long time. Posted at 2022-04-06 by GrandVizierOlaf Here's the quick answer with too much information: espruino/BangleApps#1655 Basically, trying to make connection improvements to the BTHRM app without breaking backwards compatibility. I'm happy to talk more about it after getting the kids off to school. Posted at 2022-04-06 by Mi Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding: Posted at 2022-04-06 by Fteacher I should be able to do that within 24 hours @GrandVizierOlaf . Posted at 2022-04-07 by Fteacher @GrandVizierOlaf , @gfwilliams , @mi I just did the test with a 2 minutes break. The id stayed the same, but "rssi" and manufacturerData" changed (I have no clue what these are but I mention it in case it could be interesting for something else) Posted at 2022-04-07 by Mi Thats interesting. Do we know who gets public and who random addresses? [rssi = Received Signal Strength Indicator, so change is to be expected here due to distance difference.] Posted at 2022-04-07 by GrandVizierOlaf Wonderful, thanks! To add to what @mi said, the manufacturerData is your actual health data. Without looking up the spec I would assume that a large part of it is the PPG data and it ends with your HR, the 59. For the curious, you can also pick out how the name is encoded in the data section; 19=read 19 bytes with the next byte explaining the section @mi, the id scheme is up to the manufacturer, but follows a spec. This is the summary that made the most sense to me. Given that the H10 rerandomizes after pulling the battery I was a little concerned that the OH1 might do the same after a power cycle or be of a type that expects bonding (given that BTHRM was connecting by name before and that wouldn't be changing), but that is not the case given @FTeacher's data. It might have a method to factory reset the device which would cause it to rerandomize, but that is fortunately not our concern. Posted at 2022-05-17 by Fteacher I again have an issue with the run app not being able to trigger "off" in the recorder app. I'm on the latest firmaware, latest apps. I had the whole watch reinstalled 2 weeks ago for I recently had a "storage corruption" issue. Posted at 2022-05-18 by @gfwilliams If you can reproduce this error, can you connect with the Web IDE, and then try it again? You might an error message is produces that helps us Posted at 2022-05-18 by Fteacher I've found out that changing the number of the track in the recorder app was solving the issue. I'm not sure what I should do in the web ide. I connected the watch and started on the screen of my watch the run app. I didn't see any message when I tried to stop the run app with the side button. The only message is when I reboot the watch I have: Posted at 2025-01-08 by ThomasVikström
Partly related to this, I spent some time a couple of months ago in prototyping an app which recognizes different activities. This is using Edge Impulse and thus TensorFlow. The tutorial was now published and can be found here. Disclaimer: While the app works pretty well for me, it's still only a prototype and the code is partly a mess. I tried to use ChatGPT to clean it up, but I got in an endless loop of it breaking existing functionality, and run out of time. |
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Posted at 2022-01-15 by HughB
Just tried out the new RUN app.
A few observations.
I like the display layout. Contrast on the white theme was hard to read so I switched to dark.
Elapsed time, Steps and Cadence worked well.
Pace and Distance never displayed anything. I did a 1.03 mile known course but also include a 200m strip to and from my house to the loop. All in all I did 2384 steps - approx 1770m. This should have triggered DIST and PACE to show. UPDATE (read the README)- this depends on the GPS so to be expected. Coming up to the mile mark I noted I had done about 2000 steps which is what I would get when I have measured a fitBit or AmazFit bip. So I was pleased to find the step counter working well for a slow (12min mile) running pace.
NEXT time I wil warm up the GPS first using GPS touch and set the GPS recorder on.
Heart rate never went above 75bpm while running, I know this is wrong as I am doing couch->5k and am very unfit at present . As soon as I sat down a stopped moving heart rate went up to 131. I had the watch strap on tight to make sure it could get a good reading. I think there is an issue with the heart rate monitor, ie not working well when the watch is be giggled around by a run. I suspect this is nothing to do with the RUN app, more to do with the heart monitor. I will test out on other runs and other apps and if I observe the same kind of behaviour, I will log a issue if I can reproduce etc.
GPS stayed RED all the time. This is to be expected and has been observered that getting a first fix on the GPS takes too long. I think there is a need for a Settings Menu, Use GPS Y/N, Use Heart Rate Y/N - these will be good power saving options. Powering up the GPS at the moment acheives very little other than draining power unless you spend the 12 minutes waiting before starting the run to get a fix outside. Again not the fault of the RUN app.
at the bottom of the display the current time is shown. This only works properly for the Light theme. It comes up white on white when using the dark theme.
FEATURE REQUEST: Settings menu - to disable heart and GPS.
FEATURE REQUEST: Would be good to have a large display for each element and cycle through these using an updown touch on the top right / bottom left of the screen. This woud allow you to cycle through displays that just showed 1 statistic DIST, TIME, PACE, HEART, STEPS, CADENCE in the biggest font that worked for each screen. Then I could run without taking my glasses :)
FEATURE REQUEST: Log Run stats on stop and have a little app that allows you to review your runs. (This is noted in the README for future, and there is reference to the recorder app).
@gfwilliams - see you are the author of this app, thanks for writing. I guess its a replacement for Bangle Run which was not getting maintained and had maintainance issues etc.
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