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  • Morning all. I've got 2 Espruino devices mounted on my house meter and a solar meter so I can compare solar generation to house meter consumption. The solution simply counts the flashes on both meters.

    I want to understand a bit more about when I am exporting (giving it away). It's easy to establish consumption versus generation/import when the house meter is reading something (ie blue+red) but when there is no blue bar I don't know whether I'm balanced or exporting.

    You can see in the attached graph that there are a few 5 minute bloacks where I may be exporting and a few where I'm pretty close to being balanced.
    The blue is the house meter and the red is solar. I can't do a great deal with the blue peaks as they are washing machine peaks (2kw) versus a total of ~700w for the solar panels.

    Other than an export meter does anyone have any ideas about I how I can understand / avoid exporting.


    1 Attachment

    • Annotation 2022-03-21 111159.png

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