After getting the bangle 2, I realised I like this event-based loop more than arduino coding style, so I took a bit of yesterday afternoon to reprogram my home environment monitors to be espurinos.
Hardware-wise 8266 + dht22 + cheap screen.
I'm on the wrong pc right now, I'll copy-paste the code I threw on them, it's about 3 tutorials sewn together.
They were sending mqtt to an internal mosquitto server, but it kept falling over and it's a pain to unplug all 3 to fix them wired in. Now the node-red box queries them with the super tiny webserver the espurino can hold. Bonus - I can reprogram them over the air, at least when I'm at the right computer.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
After getting the bangle 2, I realised I like this event-based loop more than arduino coding style, so I took a bit of yesterday afternoon to reprogram my home environment monitors to be espurinos.
Hardware-wise 8266 + dht22 + cheap screen.
I'm on the wrong pc right now, I'll copy-paste the code I threw on them, it's about 3 tutorials sewn together.
They were sending mqtt to an internal mosquitto server, but it kept falling over and it's a pain to unplug all 3 to fix them wired in. Now the node-red box queries them with the super tiny webserver the espurino can hold. Bonus - I can reprogram them over the air, at least when I'm at the right computer.