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  • (I read that small and short activities are ignored by Mi Band by design, e.g. I walk from study to
    kitchen, pause, and then from kitchen to study: Bangle counted 10+11 steps vs 0 by Mi Band).

    Each watch does this slightly differently. Fitbit HR requires 5 steps before it will count, AmizFit Bip requires 8, Bangle requires 6. Mi may require a lot more, you can establish how many through multiple experiments. If anyone is watching when you do this you look quite odd. I once did this in a farmers field :)

    How many actual steps is it from your Study to Kitchen ?

  • How many actual steps is it from your Study to Kitchen ?

    I counted 12 steps so the Bangle is quite correct.

    If anyone is watching when you do this you look quite odd. I once did this in a farmers field :)

    Haha! :-D


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