Just a note on using Sugru for covering the two middle contacts.
So I thought I'd use sugru and made quite a neat job of covering just the two middle contacts on two bangle2s, and used a bit to fill in the air pressure hole on my one (It's never occurred to me I need to know air pressure!).
However, after charging I've spotted that the middle two pogo pins are strong enough to poke holes in the sugru (not sure if this was just because I was using out of date Sugru or I didn't knead it well enough, it might be)!
Anyway, I've noticed before any strenuous exercise (chance would be a fine thing) so I've covered with a bit of tape too, and also strapped up the middle two pogo pins on the charging cable.
I guess this might happen over time (maybe a year or so?) to soft tape or anything else used to cover the contacts, so might be an idea to use tape to strap up the middle pins too (or check the covering on the contacts)?
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Just a note on using Sugru for covering the two middle contacts.
So I thought I'd use sugru and made quite a neat job of covering just the two middle contacts on two bangle2s, and used a bit to fill in the air pressure hole on my one (It's never occurred to me I need to know air pressure!).
However, after charging I've spotted that the middle two pogo pins are strong enough to poke holes in the sugru (not sure if this was just because I was using out of date Sugru or I didn't knead it well enough, it might be)!
Anyway, I've noticed before any strenuous exercise (chance would be a fine thing) so I've covered with a bit of tape too, and also strapped up the middle two pogo pins on the charging cable.
I guess this might happen over time (maybe a year or so?) to soft tape or anything else used to cover the contacts, so might be an idea to use tape to strap up the middle pins too (or check the covering on the contacts)?