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  • Hi Dirk @dirkhillbrecht, yes it works exactly how you described it! It does not replace a normal launcher application. E.g. my use-case is to launch apps that I use all the time with the pattern launcher directly from the clock face (I constantly need a stopwatch and a timer) and for less used apps I use the default launcher.

    Btw. you - or anyone really-, should feel free to improve the pattern launcher as you see fit, the documentation as well of course! I don't think I'll continue working on it, since I don't have too much time on my hands atm. You can also take the pattern recognition concept and put it to use somewhere else of course as well.

    I think the pattern launcher might become obsolete in the future though, @Gordon had some advanced gesture recognition technology in the pipeline I think? Which also allows you to start apps from the clock face. It was a stretch goal if I remember correctly.


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