I've done some experimenting and it looks like my watch maxes out around 0.481 on the D3 when fully charged and shuts down around 0.375. These values are about 1.5x the values used to calculate battery percentage (0.246 and 0.3144). Not sure if my watch was built with the wrong value resistors for the voltage divider that feeds D3 or if the ADC is programmed incorrectly for that input.
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I've done some experimenting and it looks like my watch maxes out around 0.481 on the D3 when fully charged and shuts down around 0.375. These values are about 1.5x the values used to calculate battery percentage (0.246 and 0.3144). Not sure if my watch was built with the wrong value resistors for the voltage divider that feeds D3 or if the ADC is programmed incorrectly for that input.
Fully charged:
Just prior to shutdown: