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  • Just a thought: I personally prefer touch to prolong the life of the button for a simple reason: when the button will die the watch is almost useless. I would not stress it with app use. I created a watch face with two start buttons for actions/apps (not in the store for some reasons). With additional left/right swipe I have four "actions" via touch in direct access (e.g. integrated music player, launcher, BT on/off, here: blue when BT is on) without stressing the physical button.

    Maybe you can take the approach to have a single virtual button, which launches different apps depending on the number of touches?

  • That's a great suggestion and a very valid point about the button wear and tear. I still would prefer to activate somethings via hardware buttons but, if it improves the lifespan of the device then maybe that's something I need to accept and start to prioritise the touch screen.

    That's a great watchface! I think I need to experiment with creating watchfaces and perhaps make my own that does something similar to yours. Shame it's not been released into the wild, I bet a lot of people would be interested in using something like that!

  • Shame it's not been released into the wild, I bet a lot of people would be interested in using something like that!

    I'll put the Bangle 2 version on a Github repo. It's not in the Bangle app loader just because I feel that it violates some of the Bangle principles, for example it shows Gadgetbridge notifications smoothly integrated in the watch face and not via the notifications app. So you would have to uninstall some things and the widgets in the top is actually one widget, not four. But I'll make an adapted one next year.

  • I think I need to experiment with creating watchfaces and perhaps make my own that does something similar to yours.

    Hopefully! In fact it's pretty easy. Just drawing some boxes and circles :-)


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