Here is the code:
// ldrCtrl.js // 2001-12-12 - 1st cut: cludged code... :\ // this: digital control loop... tracking speed constant, delta != 0 // next: -- reverse logic driver from sensing to tracking // -- analog control loop... tracking speed proportianl to delta // --------- general --------- var c = 0; // console // --------- light sensing code / LDR --------- var lsPs = [ A3 // 0 , A4 // 1 ] , lsDr = [ "ns", "-N", "-S" ] // direction , cw = 6 , iId , sampleCnt = 5 // times , sampleTme = 100 // [ms] , sampleBrk = 300 // [ms] , tstIntTme = sampleCnt*sampleTme + sampleBrk // [ms] , ctlIntTme = tstIntTme * 2 // [ms] , ctlSteps = 5 , delta = 10 // [mV] on 330[mV] w/ office lamp 18" away , lsState = 0 ; function test(vals,cnt,res) { var idx = lsPs.length; if (vals === undefined) { vals = []; while (--idx>=0) vals.push(0); idx = lsPs.length; cnt = sampleCnt; } while (--idx>=0) vals[idx]+=analogRead(lsPs[idx]); if (--cnt>0) { setTimeout(()=>test(vals,cnt),sampleTme); } else { idx = vals.length; while (--idx>=0) { vals[idx] = Math.round(vals[idx]/sampleCnt*3.3*1000); } // vals.push(Math.round((vals[0]+vals[1])/2)); vals.splice(0,0,Math.round((vals[0]+vals[1])/2)); idx = vals.length; if (c) { res = []; while (--idx>=0) res.push(fmt(vals[idx],cw)+lsDr[idx]); console.log(res.join("")); } if (Math.abs(vals[0]-vals[1]) < delta) { lsState = 0; LED1.set(); LED2.set(); setTimeout(()=>{ LED1.reset(); LED2.reset(); },20); } else { if (vals[0] < vals[1]) { lsState = -1; LED1.set(); LED2.set(); setTimeout(()=>{ LED2.reset(); },20); } else { lsState = +1; LED1.set(); LED2.set(); setTimeout(()=>{ LED1.reset(); },20); } } if (trOn) track(); } } function lsR() { lsH(); iId = setInterval(test,tstIntTme); } function lsH() { if (iId) iId = clearInterval(iId); } function lsIni() { // setBusyIndicator(LED1); idx = lsPs.length; while (--idx>=0) pinMode(lsPs[idx],"analog"); } // --------- stepper code --------- // stRn stepper status: is running // stPs stepper pins // stBW steps Backwards bit ON/OFF pattern // stFW steps Forward bit ON/OFF pattern // stSt step bit Stop / OFF pattern // stT step Time in milliseconds [ms] // stI step Interval (from setInterval() and for clearInterval() // sts steps 0001,0011,0010,... pin ON/OFF pattern in use // st step 0..7 current step // stDmy ...because of lint / (cond) ? exprT : exprF needs something to assign to var stRn = false; var stPs = [B4,B5,B6,B7]; var stFW = [0b1000,0b1100,0b0100,0b0110,0b0010,0b0011,0b0001,0b1001]; var stBW = [0b1001,0b0001,0b0011,0b0010,0b0110,0b0100,0b1100,0b1000]; var stSt = 0b0000; var stCk = ()=>0; var st = 0; var stT = 0; var stI = null; var sts = null; var st = 0; var stDmy; // setI setInterval(i,stsC) i in [ms] with (optionl) step Change (if not null), // and direction info (string) var setI = function(t,stsN,d) { if (c) console.log("t = ",t, d); if (stI) clearInterval(stI); if (stsN) sts = stsN; stRn = true; stI = setInterval(stp,t); }; // stp step var stp = function() { digitalWrite(stPs, sts[st = ++st % 8]); stCk(); }; // _sFW step ForWard var _sFW = function(t) { if (c) console.log("FW w/ " + t); if (stT > 0) { setI((stT = t),null," ~F"); } else { if (stT) { st = Math.abs(st - 7); } if (!stI) { st--; } setI((stT = t),stFW," FW"); } }; // _sBW step BackWards var _sBW = function(t) { if (c) console.log("BW w/ " + t); if (stT < 0) { setI(-(stT = t),null," ~B"); } else { if (stT) { st = Math.abs(st - 7); } if (!stI) { st--; } setI(-(stT = t),stBW," BW"); } }; // stH stepper halt function var stH = function() { if (c) console.log("stepper halt"); if (stI) { stI = clearInterval(stI); stI = null; } if (c) console.log(stI); stRn = false; digitalWrite(stPs, stSt); }; // stR stepper run function - t is stepping interval in [ms] var stR = function(t,ck) { if (typeof t === "undefined" ) { if (stT) { if (c) console.log((stT > 0) ? "F>B" : "B>F"); stR(-stT,ck); } else { if (c) console.log("What ?"); } } else { stCk = (ck) ? ck : ()=>0; stDmy = (t) ? (t>0) ? _sFW(t) : _sBW(t) : stH(); } }; // --------- track code --------- var trLsState = 0 // previous lsState , trOn = false // tracking on , trStTme = 4 // [ms] track step time ; // track function function track() { if (lsState != trLsState) { stH(); if (lsState != 0) stR((lsState<0) ? +trStTme : - trStTme , ()=> { if (Math.abs(Math.round((analogRead(lsPs[0])-analogRead(lsPs[1])) *3.3*1000))<delta) stH(); trLsState = 0; }); trLsState = lsState; } } // track run function function trR() { trOn = true; } // track halt function function trH() { stH(); trOn = false; } // --------- general ---------- // format (integer) value v(+|-) to ds(<=7|8) digits function fmt(v,ds) { var s = " "+v, l = s.length; return s.substr(l-ds); } function onInit() { lsIni(); // light sensing LDR analog pin init lsR(); // light sensing run trR(); // tracking run } setTimeout(onInit,999); // remove before upload for save()
@allObjects started
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Here is the code: