Well, I've sorted the Edge/Chrome - had to forget it then pair it several times to get it to stick.
However iPhone keeps reporting that pairing is unsuccessful - and blaming Bangle for it. Bangle shows up in the iPhone BT list, but I can't get it to pair. Both have been switched off multiple times, connections forgotten etc. Still no luck connecting to the phone.
iOS Integration, when opened, looks like it bounces across to Messages (at least the Messages app seemingly opens and reports no messages).
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, I've sorted the Edge/Chrome - had to forget it then pair it several times to get it to stick.
However iPhone keeps reporting that pairing is unsuccessful - and blaming Bangle for it. Bangle shows up in the iPhone BT list, but I can't get it to pair. Both have been switched off multiple times, connections forgotten etc. Still no luck connecting to the phone.
iOS Integration, when opened, looks like it bounces across to Messages (at least the Messages app seemingly opens and reports no messages).