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  • Thanks for your quick reply!

    The Bluetooth icon is grey the whole time. And I turned bluetooth off on the other devices, while trying to connect.

    I tried to "find" the watch in DFU mode as it is mentioned here­ware-updates , which is the bootloader mode right? The display then only shows two lines

     BTN1 = REBOOT

    I was then pressing the refresh button in the "nRF toolbox" or "nRF connect app" to make sure that I am really searching for the watch while it is in DFU mode, but it wont show up, nor the tag or the Bluetooth Mac address from my watch.
    I laid the watch directly on the front and also the back of my phone and my iPad without success.

    I wanted to check later if i could see the watch with the WEB IDE running on a raspberry pi zero w as mentioned here­b+IDE

    If there is something else that I can try I will happily do it.


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