Well I'm looking forward to that! Glad to hear it won't be secret for long...
Another Q... this SN80 is an interesting beast; it seems to be nearly identical to the P8s in the wild (same pinouts, samed shared SPI for display / ext flash). I'm using @jeffmer 's code for the shared SPI (basically his P8 build untouched except for the name), and I'm getting an SPI error during display initialization.
Uncaught InternalError: Timeout on SPI0-lock
at line 19 col 28
spi.write(c, ce);
in function "cmd" called from line 32 col 9
cmd(0x11); //SLPOUT
in function called from system
When I was running the firmware without shared SPI (no ext flash) I didn't get this. I assumed that this code would be safe regardless if it's shared or not (it errs on the side of caution by pausing the other device). My impression is that this is saying "SPI is in use or not ready". Am i interpreting that correctly? (BTW: the external flash works, I'm able to save files and read them back.. but this started as soon as I began working with both display AND spi flash).
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well I'm looking forward to that! Glad to hear it won't be secret for long...
Another Q... this SN80 is an interesting beast; it seems to be nearly identical to the P8s in the wild (same pinouts, samed shared SPI for display / ext flash). I'm using @jeffmer 's code for the shared SPI (basically his P8 build untouched except for the name), and I'm getting an SPI error during display initialization.
When I was running the firmware without shared SPI (no ext flash) I didn't get this. I assumed that this code would be safe regardless if it's shared or not (it errs on the side of caution by pausing the other device). My impression is that this is saying "SPI is in use or not ready". Am i interpreting that correctly? (BTW: the external flash works, I'm able to save files and read them back.. but this started as soon as I began working with both display AND spi flash).
Any insights or thoughts welcome...