@Gordon yes that off course fixed the issue i have ;-). I've changed my code over the day it works like aspactad.
let started = false; // if scanning is startet
var intervalLed;
var selfid = NRF.getAddress().substr(12,5).replace(':',''); // get the last 5 digits of ble mac as id
var scanIds = [ "5c5b", "69f0", "6d31" ]; // list of devices to scan for
var data = new Uint8Array(scanIds.length); // define data as zero
// Default ble settings
const be = {
name: "BLE "+ selfid, // The name of the device
showName: true, // include full name, or nothing
discoverable: true, // general discoverable, or limited - default is limited
connectable: true, // whether device is connectable - default is true
scannable : true, // whether device can be scanned for scan response packets - default is true
interval: 375, // Advertising interval in msec, between 20 and 10000 (default is 375ms)
manufacturer: 0x0590, // IF sending manufacturer data, this is the manufacturer ID
// update Advertising by the current received rssi
function updateAdvertising(device) {
// our data - all 0 for nothing,
// or RSSI + 6 bytes address
var id = device.id.substr(12, 5).replace(':','');
if (!scanIds.includes(id)) return;
data[scanIds.indexOf(id)] = device.rssi * -1; // converte to positive integer
NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
showName: false,
connectable: false,
scannable: false,
interval: 100,
manufacturer: be.manufacturer,
manufacturerData: data
console.log("Found Device: " + id);
function setDefault() {
// Initiale Advertising
NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
name: be.name,
showName: be.showName,
discoverable: be.discoverable,
connactable: be.connectable,
scannable: be.scannable,
interval: be.interval,
manufacturer: be.manufacturer,
manufacturerData: data
Pin.prototype.flash = function(period) {
var pin = this;
digitalWrite(pin, true);
setTimeout(function() {
digitalWrite(pin, false);
}, 100);
// Setting up defaults
// Watch if BTN was pressed
console.log("Device: " + be.name);
if (started) {
console.log("Stop Scanning");
NRF.setScan(); // Stop scanning on BLE devices
clearInterval(intervalLed); // Stop Led from blinking
started = false; // switch device status
LED1.flash(); // Show stop with red LED
} else {
console.log("Start Scanning");
started = true;
LED2.flash(); // Show start with green LED
NRF.setScan(updateAdvertising); // Start scanning for BLE devices
intervalLed = setInterval('LED2.flash();', 10000); // Flash the green led to visualise scanning mode
}, BTN, {edge:"rising", repeat:1, debounce:20});
Now i have two new problems. First of all, after starting and stopping, i can't connect to the Puck-js scince i'm pull out the battery and plug it in again.
~~The second problem is the advertising interval. If i change the interval to somthing under 100ms i don't reseive any packages from the device. ~~
[Edit] Answere for the second Question: NOTE: Non-connectable advertising can't have an advertising interval less than 100ms according to the BLE spec.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
@Gordon yes that off course fixed the issue i have ;-). I've changed my code over the day it works like aspactad.
Now i have two new problems. First of all, after starting and stopping, i can't connect to the Puck-js scince i'm pull out the battery and plug it in again.
~~The second problem is the advertising interval. If i change the interval to somthing under 100ms i don't reseive any packages from the device. ~~
[Edit] Answere for the second Question:
NOTE: Non-connectable advertising can't have an advertising interval less than 100ms according to the BLE spec.