• Is it possible to scan and advertise at the same time? I would like to do a setup with 3 beacon. Each beacon should scan for the other two beacons and save the current rssi. In the next Advertising package the beacon should send the last received rssi from the other two beacons. I'm new on programming with JavaScript. My current Codebase shows this:

    const be = {
          name: "BLE-Beacon B", // The name of the device
          showName: true, // include full name, or nothing
          discoverable: true, // general discoverable, or limited - default is limited
          connectable: true, // whether device is connectable - default is true      
          scannable : false, // whether device can be scanned for scan response packets - default is true
          interval: 300, // Advertising interval in msec, between 20 and 10000 (default is 375ms)
          manufacturer: 0x0590, // IF sending manufacturer data, this is the manufacturer ID
    var deviceA = 0;
    var deviceB = 0;
    var deviceC = 0;
    // Start scanning
    started = true;
    logging = true;
    // scanning for the devices
    function scanDevice(d) {  
      let modified = false;
      // witch device is scanned
      // change the value
      switch (d.name) {
          case "BLE-Beacon A":
              modified = (deviceA !== d.rssi);
              deviceA = d.rssi;
          case "BLE-Beacon B":
              modified = (deviceB !== d.rssi);
              deviceB = d.rssi;
          case "BLE-Beacon C":
              modified = (deviceC !== d.rssi);
              deviceC = d.rssi;
      // if value was modified setAdvertising to new Value
          0x180F: [deviceA]
          }, {
                name: be.name,
                manufacturer: be.manufacturer,
                interval: be.interval,
                manufacturerData: ["A", deviceA, "B", deviceB, "C", deviceC]
      } else {
        console.log("nothing modified");
    // Initiales Scanning
    NRF.setScan(scanDevice, {filters: [{namePrefix:"BLE-Locate"}] });
    // Initiales Advertising
    NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
                name: be.name,
                manufacturer: be.manufacturer,
                interval: be.interval,
                manufacturerData: ["A", deviceA, "B", deviceB, "C", deviceC]
    // Watch if BTN was pressed
     console. log("Device: " + be.name);
      if (started) {
        started = false;
        console.log("Stop Scanning");
      } else {
        NRF.setScan(scanDevice, {filters: [{namePrefix:"BLE-Locate"}] });
        started = true;
        console.log("Start Scanning");
    }, BTN, {edge:"rising", repeat:1, debounce:20});