• Mon 2021.10.11

    @TTBangler while I'm not up to speed using the graphics class on Bangle.js that code block does produce errors for me. I don't have a Bangle to test/troubleshoot and I'm not entirely sure whether the user is required to define a container for it.

    The entire code block takes roughtly 20-30 seconds to upload using the native app and there is plenty of free space remaining.

    ={ free: 1207, usage: 393, total: 1600, history: 5,
      gc: 0, gctime: 1.572 }

    These errors occured using the native app as I don't have a Bangle connected, and no Emulator access within that app.

    >Uncaught ReferenceError: "g" is not defined
     at line 275 col 2
    Uncaught ReferenceError: "g" is not defined
     at line 130 col 2
    in function "drawChoices" called from line 13 col 132
    ...choices;drawChoices(options);if(options.choices==2){return new Promise(...
    in function "getChoice" called from line 308 col 8
          }).then((v) => {
    { "free": 1232, "usage": 368, "total": 1600, "history": 672,
      "gc": 0, "gctime": 1.853 }
    Uncaught ReferenceError: "Bangle" is not defined
     at line 323 col 7
    Bangle.on('swipe', swipeMemoryLogger);

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