• Hi, One thing I do notice is:

        manufacturer: 0x0590,  //<=============================
        0x1811 : [presses],
        0x180F : [E.getBattery()-1],
        0x1809 : [Math.round(E.getTemperature())]

    The manufacturer mine is for manufacturerData and if used should be in the second argument. I'd just remove it as it could be causing issues.

    Also, I think you changed the wrong thing on advertised_services... The default example is:

      "advertised_services" : {
        "ffff" : {
          "name" : "level"

    and I think you wanted to do:

      "advertised_services" : {
        "1811" : {
          "name" : "presses"

    Looks like you changed name to presses rather than level :)


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