• With modified make instructions from:


    EDIT: I didn't catch that the build instruction beneath the nRF52 heading was for the 832
    Left here in case it provides a clue

    targets/nrf5x/jshardware.c:1016:3: note: called from here
    python scripts/check_elf_size.py NRF52832DK espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.elf
    Testing espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.elf for NRF52832DK
    STORAGE: 442368 -> 483328
    FS DATA: 411912 -> 411928 (16 bytes)
    CODE: 126976 -> 411928 (284468 bytes)
    Code area Fits before Storage Area
    arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.elf espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.hex
    Merging SoftDevice
    python scripts/hexmerge.py /mnt/c/Users/robin/Espruino/targetlibs/nrf5x_12/components/softdevice/s132/hex/s132_nrf52_3.1.0_softdevice.hex espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.app_hex -o espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.hex
    rgc@DESKTOP-R7T0VUC:/mnt/c/Users/robin/Espruino$ ls
    app                 espruino_2v08.220_esp32.bin         NRF_Bootloader.md
    benchmark           espruino_2v08.220_esp32.elf         README_Building.md
    boards              espruino_2v08.220_esp32.tgz         README_BuildProcess.md
    build               espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.app_hex  README.md
    ChangeLog           espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.elf      scripts
    CONTRIBUTING.md     espruino_2v08.220_nrf52832.hex      src
    CURRENT_BOARD.make  espruino_esp32.bin                  targetlibs
    dist_licences.txt   gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major   targets
    dist_readme.txt     gen                                 tests
    Dockerfile          libs                                Vagrantfile
    Doxyfile            LICENSE                             workspace.code-workspace
    doxygen             make                                xtensa-esp32-elf
    esp-idf             Makefile
    espruino            misc

    Now I see the .elf and .hex files.

    But how do I move the generated .hex file to the local Windows10 file system in order to flash with esptool?

    EDIT: 06:56pm CST
    Windows stores in two locations:

    The 832 .hex file was created at:


    and VSCode uses:

    So, when the 840 .hex file is generated, I expect it will be accessible using the FileManger from the above location.

    I was under the impression that output was stored in <user>/AppData/local but nothing there.

    EDIT: 04:48pm CST

    Oops! That .hex is not the resultant output, but an intermediate 832 version. I'm seeking the 840 version which doesn't seem to get built


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