There was a tiny nub left under the lifted pad that I anchored a tiny wire to using solder paste, and then the bit of flappy trace on the other side of the pad was just able to be soldered to, it looks like a mess but I can happily say I managed to upload the firmware and run your example code!
When I get to glueing it all down (yep, gonna get the UV-cure resin out!) I'll send a picture for fun so you can see just how much I butchered my lovely little shim! 😠haha
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
There was a tiny nub left under the lifted pad that I anchored a tiny wire to using solder paste, and then the bit of flappy trace on the other side of the pad was just able to be soldered to, it looks like a mess but I can happily say I managed to upload the firmware and run your example code!
When I get to glueing it all down (yep, gonna get the UV-cure resin out!) I'll send a picture for fun so you can see just how much I butchered my lovely little shim! 😠haha