Recently I bought a debug board based on nRF52832 from Ebyte. I looked at the user manual of the board, but I did not find a word there about the correspondence of the conclusions of this board to the conclusions of Arduino. I was hoping to see something similar, as other firms do. Pictures from the links are in the attachment, so as not to run around on the Internet. How to work with this board in Arduino IDE platform? I am asking you to help me find the Arduino pins for the board. Thank you in advance.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Recently I bought a debug board based on nRF52832 from Ebyte. I looked at the user manual of the board, but I did not find a word there about the correspondence of the conclusions of this board to the conclusions of Arduino. I was hoping to see something similar, as other firms do. Pictures from the links are in the attachment, so as not to run around on the Internet.
How to work with this board in Arduino IDE platform? I am asking you to help me find the Arduino pins for the board. Thank you in advance.
3 Attachments