• @Gordon I'm not sure if this is correct (I am not familiar with Espruino internals after all), most code execution on our app run during event handling, and the errors that occurred with Morphing Clock also only happened during events like button presses, so perhaps the event handlers are not updated regarding the callbacks' locations in storage?

    Also, I managed to replicate the problem manually with the following steps:

    1. Open Morphing Clock
    2. Open a StorageFile and write some arbitrary data
    3. Erase said StorageFile
    4. Call require('Storage').compact()
    5. Press BTN1

    which throws the following exception:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "fffa" is not defined
     at line 1 col 3
    W+CHARP;var d=new Date();g.reset();g.setFont("6x8");g.setF­ontAlign...
    in function called from system
     at line 1 col 1
    fffaff ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ffafffff ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ffffa?[204] ?[204] ?[204] ?[204]...

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