This is current state of code - just enough to demonstrate working. Various things still need adding, e.g. events and scaling the accel vector.
/* Espruino module for BMA421/BMA423 motion sensor */ //delete the next line for module var exports={}; //create an instance - initialise if necessary (or just reconnect) function BMA421(_i2c) { this.i2c = _i2c; this.enabled = (this.checkstatus()==1); if (!this.enabled) this.initialise(); } BMA421.prototype.initialise = function() { //reset sensor this.writeReg(0x7E,0xB6); //disable power save this.writeReg(0x7C,0x00); this.loadConfig(); //Accl Enable this.writeReg(0x7D, 0x04); //Acc Config this.writeReg(0x40, 0b00101000); //Enable and Reset Step Counter - this will also enable power save this.resetSteps(); this.enabled = (this.checkstatus()==1); } //x and y are swapped - could remap in hardware BMA421.prototype.getAccel = function() { var acc = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }; if (this.enabled) { var data = this.readBytes(0x12,6); acc.x = (data[3] << 8) | data[2]; if (acc.x > 32767) acc.x -= 65536; acc.y = (data[1] << 8) | data[0]; if (acc.y > 32767) acc.y -= 65536; acc.z = (data[5] << 8) | data[4]; if (acc.z > 32767) acc.z -= 65536; } return acc; } BMA421.prototype.getSteps = function() { if (this.enabled) { var steps = this.readBytes(0x1E,4); return (steps[3] << 24) + (steps[2] <<16) + (steps[1] << 8) + steps[0]; } else return 0; } //Temperature always seems to be 25 BMA421.prototype.getTemp = function() { if (this.enabled) { return this.readBytes(0x22,1)[0] +23; } else return -300; } //enables the step counter, disables the step detector BMA421.prototype.resetSteps = function() { this.writeReg(0x7C, 0x00);//Sleep disable var feature_config = new Uint8Array(70); feature_config = this.readFeatures(70); feature_config[0x3A + 1] = 0x34; this.writeFeatures(feature_config, 70); //Sleep Enable this.writeReg(0x7C, 0x03); } //burst write data to a register BMA421.prototype.writeReg = function(r,d) { this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,r,d); } //read a given number of bytes from a register BMA421.prototype.readBytes = function(r,l) { this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,r); return this.i2c.readFrom(0x18,l); } //read a single byte from a register BMA421.prototype.readReg = function(reg) { this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,reg); return this.i2c.readFrom(0x18,1)[0]; } //burst read bytes from the feature config BMA421.prototype.readFeatures = function(l) { this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,0x5E); return this.i2c.readFrom(0x18,l); } //burst write bytes to the feature config BMA421.prototype.writeFeatures = function(config) { this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,0x5E,config); } //Config file as a binary blob - write in chunks BMA421.prototype.loadConfig = function () { var buffer_size = 64; var config = new Uint8Array(buffer_size); //initialise config this.writeReg(0x59,0x00); for (var i=0;i<6144; i+=buffer_size) { config = require("Storage").read("bma421_config.bin",i,buffer_size); this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,0x5B, (i / 2) & 0x0F); this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,0x5C, (i / 2) >> 4); this.i2c.writeTo(0x18,0x5E,config); } //enable sensor features this.writeReg(0x59,0x01); } //LSB of status register is 1 for working BMA421.prototype.checkstatus = function() { return (this.readReg(0x2A) & 0x1F); } exports.connect = function(_i2c) { return new BMA421(_i2c); }
BTW, I have no experience of JavaScript, only C/Pascal/Delphi (and a little python), so I'm not convinced by the object model here at all.
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@Mark_wllms started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
This is current state of code - just enough to demonstrate working. Various things still need adding, e.g. events and scaling the accel vector.
BTW, I have no experience of JavaScript, only C/Pascal/Delphi (and a little python), so I'm not convinced by the object model here at all.
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