Sun 2021.05.02
Hi @MaBe several years ago, I had similar questions and several chimed in to solve with snippets and links regarding 'Flat Strings'. Here was Gordon's well described response:
ref post #2 http://forum.espruino.com/comments/14455141/
entire thread Definition of a flat string and exampleSome sample snippets:
'Q: How to pass a buffer and use the Graphics inside a module?'
Is the question on how to process the image creation within the developer designed module, and access that ('pass a buffer') content inside the module, back at the console side of the WebIDE?
Use the array buffer to access the flat string, similar when using a pointer in 'C' perhaps?
(See last pp in Gordon's response in the first link - ref post #2)Nicely done, if I might add! . . .
Ok, got some time to work on this again and got some question:
Q: How to pass a buffer and use the Graphics inside a module?
Q: Lookup tables for char to barcode fillRect are very large, what is memory wise the best way to store them.
Note: Got a EAN13 running and on the way for a module
compared to the original source
Lookup table for CODE128 is much bigger.