So this is an ESP8266, let's be clear. Has anyone ACTUALLY been able to increase practical RAM in this device using external i2c or SPI modules? The ESP32 certainly has PSRAM, but that Espressif provides this solution suggests RAM expansion itself is not so straight forward as just wiring up modules. For other Espruino Official boards is it possible? Wouldn't there be required some modifications (or at least an i2c driver for example) to Espruino itself to support it?
Also keep in mind that the original poster said he was "new to this". While uploading individual code modules using Storage is a new and innovative approach to coding in Espruino for sure (and then after say using "eval" to load these modules), it's certainly more complicated.
That said, I'm certainly looking into it, but it's a new way of thinking I find.
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So this is an ESP8266, let's be clear. Has anyone ACTUALLY been able to increase practical RAM in this device using external i2c or SPI modules? The ESP32 certainly has PSRAM, but that Espressif provides this solution suggests RAM expansion itself is not so straight forward as just wiring up modules. For other Espruino Official boards is it possible? Wouldn't there be required some modifications (or at least an i2c driver for example) to Espruino itself to support it?
Also keep in mind that the original poster said he was "new to this". While uploading individual code modules using Storage is a new and innovative approach to coding in Espruino for sure (and then after say using "eval" to load these modules), it's certainly more complicated.
That said, I'm certainly looking into it, but it's a new way of thinking I find.