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  • Thank you for your help @allObjects and @Robin.
    I got it now working, and it's a good solution (for me).
    The idea is from Best way to stream base64 encoded string to a web client and I used the drain event.
    I saved the head and the body in the Storage module and send them chunk for chunk.

    function sendMainPage(res) {
        res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
        res.write('<html lang="en">');
        //chunk size
        let bytesperChunk = 2048;
        //cssN stores how many chunks i need to send
        let cssN = Math.ceil('main.css').lengt­h / bytesperChunk );
        //cssI stores how many chunks are already send
        let cssI = 0;
        let htmlN = Math.ceil('main.html').leng­th / bytesperChunk );
        let htmlI = 0;
        res.on('drain', function(){
            if (cssN == cssI) {
                if (htmlN == htmlI) {
                    //Here is my client js code with all the values and the end of the html file 
                }else {
                    res.write('main.html', htmlI * bytesperChunk , bytesperChunk ));
            }else {
                res.write('main.css', cssI * bytesperChunk , bytesperChunk ));

    I don't know if it's the best solution, but it works for me and when I request the page the loading time is only 2-3 seconds.
    Not only that, but I still have 850 free blocks of ram, because now I don't need to load the long HTML string before I send it.


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