Hi Robin,
It's been a year and I didn't work on this and I completely forgot how I did it at the time. I wanted to refresh knowledge and got stuck with flashing and pushing the code. Sorry for the inconvenience.
After a few hours of reading the documentation and examination I managed to make my esp8266 to connect to wifi and mqtt...
I have a new questions since you answered my previous question.
- I do not understand the concept how espruino works. I am used to Arduino loop function and I can't get my head around how it works on espruino? How can I achieve the same behaviour in espruino?
I guess that this code snippet listens for message 'connected' from mqtt broker and then executes the subscription to certain topics?
mqtt.on('connected', function(pub) {//subscribe to topics});
Can you please point me how to define pins for digital read and write? I am unable to find the documentation for that?
Thanks :)
- I do not understand the concept how espruino works. I am used to Arduino loop function and I can't get my head around how it works on espruino? How can I achieve the same behaviour in espruino?
Sun 2021.03.07
Hi @Svarog and your Greehouse controller success from Feb 2020?
Clearly stated in several places that support is provided with official boards, and . . .
Just beneath heading 'Other Boards' where ESP32/ESP8266 is listed and clearly visible:
You'll find complete instructions that many have successfully used.
Where exactly in the step sequence does the difficulty occur?
On any Espruino.com page within the Google Search box (top right): 'save' & 'debug' worked for me ;-)