I'm suggesting a compromise between gcc building for the chip directly and having javascript be interpreted.
Have the loop in the espruino firmware call the loop of your code after processing all the RF signals in the same fashion it calls the loop of the javascript interpreter, that way you could provide faster code execution along with some of the convenience that the javascript bindings provided.
That could also be used for interrupting your code when you want to do something like have the IDE reprogram the device or printing console output to the web ide over bluetooth.
...is the defeat of an event driven, on lowest power operated system.
@DanTheMan827, just as you say in next paragraph: Arduino. I agree absolutely that this is 'simpler' for to start with because one has not to deal with events: logic is only status / flags (variable) comparison whether to do something or not... (reminds me of key concept of conditions in RPG, 1959..., and the birth of PLC, 1968). Limitations though hit very quickly...