I'm working on a clock face - It's a gradient generator with some themes and configuration.
The themes are each two colours, and a function in the watch generates more colours based on the passed number of steps.
It then creates an array and appends the reversed version to it to create one smooth gradient field.
Using the accelerometer to decide the direction the gradient moves in so you get an effect of the background moving - you can also switch it between horizontal and vertical
To get this working effectively I'm using LCD Mode "doublebuffered" which works great - if I try it in normal I get a lot of flickering and haven't really figured of if it's possible with that I'm doing to do in that mode.
But I've noticed that despite my best efforts, the screen never goes off with the LCD Timeout, and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong? This isn't the most memory-efficient clock, and it does a lot of drawing (once per 100ms to be smooth) by shifting the entire array of colours so when the screen isn't on I'd definitely like to stop any running timers.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm working on a clock face - It's a gradient generator with some themes and configuration.
The themes are each two colours, and a function in the watch generates more colours based on the passed number of steps.
It then creates an array and appends the reversed version to it to create one smooth gradient field.
Using the accelerometer to decide the direction the gradient moves in so you get an effect of the background moving - you can also switch it between horizontal and vertical
To get this working effectively I'm using LCD Mode "doublebuffered" which works great - if I try it in normal I get a lot of flickering and haven't really figured of if it's possible with that I'm doing to do in that mode.
But I've noticed that despite my best efforts, the screen never goes off with the LCD Timeout, and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong? This isn't the most memory-efficient clock, and it does a lot of drawing (once per 100ms to be smooth) by shifting the entire array of colours so when the screen isn't on I'd definitely like to stop any running timers.
Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?
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