• I've found code that works to set up Puck as a BT keyboard that can send single letter with a single modifier e.g "m+ SHIFT"
    I'd like to be able to send the "MS Teams" Keyboard short cut "SHIFT+CTRL+M" to be able to toggle the mic quickly .
    The code I'm trying to change is her https://www.espruino.com/BLE+Keyboard
    I've tried
    kb.tap(kb.KEY.M, kb.MODIFY.SHIFT.CTRL);
    kb.tap(kb.KEY.M, kb.MODIFY.SHIFT+CTRL);
    kb.tap(kb.KEY.M, kb.MODIFY.SHIFT, kb.MODIFY.CTRL)
    Starting to think this possiblilty isn't implemented yet?

    Here is the module http://www.espruino.com/modules/ble_hid_­keyboard.js


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